American Catholic Heritage: Trying to find this Hymn
  • I keep reading in many articles about the Immaculate Conception that there is this hymn in Spanish that used to be sung in America, written by the first Franciscan missionaries. I know one hymn that is similar but still different. Does anyone know any sources and where I can find the music?

    Alabado y ensalzado
    Sea el Divino Sacramento,
    En quien Dios oculto asiste,
    De las Almas el sustento.
    Y la limpia Concepcion
    De la Reina de los Cielos,
    Que quedando Virgen Pura,
    Es Madre del Verbo Eterno.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,841
    I've often adapted the tune for psalmody, as for example in this thread. My source was Owen da Silva's book.