Matins for All Souls
  • Simon
    Posts: 162
    I have put theMatinsfor All Souls as recorded live by the Schola Cantorum Amsterdam (SCA) in the St Nicholas Basilica in Amterdam in 2022 on Spotify, iTunes etc. similar sites via CDBaby.

    . I have a Latin/English program somewhere on an older computer. I will try to retrieve it and attach it here as well later.
    The SCA has been singing this service annually since 1979. A couple of years ago one of our members-.Br. Joachim Oude Vrielink OFM - made our own performance edition of the Matins for All Souls which we have used since. Br. Joachim really did his best and added the service of lauds as well. Latin Rubrics in red and all psalms pointed.Neumes from the St Gall Hartker Anitphonale (10th century)noted above the standard square musical notation.! I do not have permission to include this pdf as an attachment. However, well motivated choirs etc. will be considered for sending for liturgical use by sending a request with motivation to:
    Thanked by 2Bri StimsonInRehab
  • Simon
    Posts: 162

    Our chant choir - schola Cantorum Amsterdam (SCA) has just completed singing the Matins of All Souls. Due to a conflict with a rehearsal with another choir in our home church- the St. Nicholas Basilica for an Anglican evensong service for All Souls on Saturday we have been forced to seek an other church in the central Amsterdam area to sing these Matins - a service we have sang annually in the Basilica since the SCA moved here in 1994. Scandalous actually - a Catholic Gregorian chant choir has to make room in a Catholic Church for an Anglican service rehearsal due to a choir director not able to select an Evensong program to fit the limited rehearsal time available to him.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw