How do you chant the readings?
  • We are working towards a fully sung lectionary at our Sunday Masses (Ordinariate). Where do you find the tones for the different readings? Also are there different Sarum tones that would be of interest for Ordinariate musicians?

    I apologize if this information is available elsewhere on the site.
  • Liam -

    These tones are to be found in 'The Choral Service', another of Canon Winfred Douglas's treasures. It is a blue book about 1/2 inch thick and about the the measurements of the 1940. It is likely out of print now - though one may find a copy from Amazon.
    Also, you may find these tones in the LU.

    It is wonderful that you are working toward this at Presentation - except on solemnities we don't even do this at the Cathedral. I believe, though, that there is some important sentiment in favour.

    I've always thought it odd that the tone for the epistle is quite the most elaborate of the three. It seems that the gospel would be, but it is the simplest.