• Desperately trying to locate the Spanish psalm setting, Salmo 138, Condùcenos Señor, por tu Camino, sheet music, even just a lead sheet. I don't have a name for arranger, etc. Having a challenge finding anything from OCP and GIA. Thank you in advance.
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,086
    There's nothing for that in Responde y Aclama? You're right, responsorials for Spanish aren't thick on the ground. Maybe just sing it to a psalm tone?
  • So true, and that is likely what we will have to do. Thank you Jeffrey.
  • What liturgical occasion is it for? I’m in the midst of writing a new 3-year Spanish psalter, and could possibly have something.
  • AnimaVocis
    Posts: 137
    What's the full text with needed verses (or do you need the whole psalm)? Happy to set this as I have been for my Spanish Masses.
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,854
    I'm guessing this is what the OP is after:
    Memorial of Saint Jerome

    R. (24b) Condúcenos, Señor, por tu camino.
    Tú me conoces, Señor, profundamente:
    tú conoces cuándo me siento y me levanto,
    desde lejos sabes mis pensamientos,
    tú observas mi camino y mi descanso,
    todas mis sendas te son familiares.

    R. Condúcenos, Señor, por tu camino.
    ¿A dónde iré yo lejos de ti?
    ¿Dónde escaparé de tu mirada?
    Si subo hasta el cielo, allí estás tú;
    si bajo al abismo, allí te encuentras.

    R. Condúcenos, Señor, por tu camino.
    Si voy en alas de la aurora
    o me alejo hasta el extremo de mar,
    también allí tu mano me conduce
    y tu diestra me sostiene.

    R. Condúcenos, Señor, por tu camino.
    Tú formaste mis entrañas,
    me tejiste en el seno materno.
    Te doy gracias por tan grandes maravillas;
    soy un prodigio y tus obras son prodigiosas.

    R. Condúcenos, Señor, por tu camino.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen AnimaVocis
  • Psalm Here.

    For anyone looking for Spanish psalms, be sure to keep in mind my in progress set, available at the CRCCM Repertoire Project. It's currently "completed" through late Easter of Year B. Revisions can always happen, so the most current version of each will be what's found on this site.
    Thanked by 1DanielT
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,854
    Marc, I've just had a poke about your psalm settings. They are lovely, and very well done.
    Thanked by 1Marc Cerisier
  • Yes, Marc, thank you so much! Your setting is so beautiful!!! Blessings, Bob