Full Time-Director of Sacred Music (Cedarburg, WI)
  • Director of Sacred Music

    St. Francis Borgia parish is seeking someone who desires to glorify God and sanctify the faithful through high quality sacred music in the liturgy. This person will expand the parish and school repertoire of the rich sacred music heritage of the Catholic Church including Gregorian chant, Polyphony, and sacred choral music. This person should have a strong background in organ and choral music and be able to effectively articulate the church’s principles for music in the liturgy as found within, at minimum, Tra le Sollecitudini (1903), Sacrosanctum Concilium (1963), and Musicam Sacram (1967).

    We currently utilize vernacular propers with Psalms for Offertory and Communion at three of our four weekend Masses. Our other weekend Mass is offered ad orientem with incense, vernacular offertory chant, Gregorian Introit and Communion with accompanying Psalms, and Gregorian chant ordinary. The Lord has been working in beautiful ways at St. Francis Borgia and we are looking forward seeing more of His plan unfold for us.

    To apply: https://www.archmil.org/Jobs-2.0/Director-of-Sacred-Music.htm

    Additional Information-Duties and Responsibilities:

    Plan the music for all liturgies (Sundays, holy days, school Masses, Christian Formation Masses, weddings, funerals, and any other special Masses)

    Direct the choirs and rehearse parish musicians (adult choir, children’s choir, men’s choir, cantors, and musical families)

    Continually recruit new singers for parish and school liturgies.

    Serve as the primary organist and pianist for the parish.

    Plan, rehearse, and play for the weekly school Mass.

    Encourage a love and appreciation for Sacred Music in the parish through education and catechesis.

    Schedule tunings and maintenance for all parish music instruments.

    Prepare annual music budget.

    Keep copyright licenses and digital subscriptions up to date.

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,224
    [Bringing the announcement back to the home page for a few more days to remind readers about it. --admin]
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