Looking for chant for Ps. 15:5
  • Hello,

    I'm looking for a version of Psalm 15:5 (Dominus pars hereditatis meae et calicis mei: tu es qui restitues hereditatem meam mihi.) set to chant. It's in the '62 Missal as the Offertory verse for Masses for vocations (ad vocationes ecclesiasticas petendas). Not just a psalm tone, but I figure it has to appear in some book somewhere? I couldn't find it in the Liber Usualis or Graduale Romanum. I believe it also appears as part of the rite of tonsure but I'm not sure where to find that either.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 993
    This is a good start for your search: the cantus database.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,765
    I too cannot find it, I have tried the new Graduale and they have a different Mass. It is also not in any of the supplements I have searched.

    I suspect it may be one of those texts chosen for its appropriateness by those that were ignorant of Sacred Music and the vast numbers of texts that we have music for but are not now found in any modern Missal.

    I have found a number of Masses created in the 20th century that have no music, we have even searched the Vatican library. It seems the creators of new Masses worked faster than those that created the music.

    You have two options, try Solesmes they may have something. The other option is to write new chant... this will need to be in the Offertory style.
  • Paul F. Ford
    Posts: 864
    This text is the Antiphona ad introitus for the Missa pro vocationibus in the Graduale Simplex, p. 387 in the 1988 edition.
  • Andrew_Malton
    Posts: 1,177
    You could chant the Dominus pars to the psalm tone, continue with the introit melody, sing one verse of the psalm (eg Conserva me) and return to the Tu es Domine. The result would be very like a responsorial offertory.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,451
    Cantus : https://cantus.uwaterloo.ca/chant/543767
    Cistercian monastic original : http://digital.onb.ac.at/RepViewer/viewer.faces?doc=DTL_2980646&order=1&view=SINGLE# on page 81 (folio 30v numbering from the first chant page)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen