Seeking recommendations: processional music for a diaconal ordination
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232
    A diaconal candidate has written to ask for suggestions of music for his upcoming ordination, for the entrance and the final procession.

    For context: there will be two ordinandi, both as permanent deacons; the rite will be held in a metropolitan cathedral, with the Cathedral choir performing. For simplicity, I'm assuming that everything should be in English.

    Searching through past Forum posts, I've only found two lists of music for similar Masses so far. Can any of you who have directed music for your own dioceses' ordinations offer more recommendations?

    These are the items I've found so far for the entrance and recessional:

    Entrance Antiphon and verses:
    Psalm 17: Whoever Serves Me (I've sent a setting by Fr. Samuel Weber OSB)

    Entrance Hymn:
    "O God beyond All Praising" (THAXTED) [a bit generic, but OK]

    Recessional Hymn:
    "Festival Canticle: Worthy Is Christ" (Hillert) [suitable in Eastertide]
    The Spirit of God (Lucien Deiss, CSSp) [rather dated]

    Any more ideas?
  • Nisi
    Posts: 153
    What Mass — Votive of the Holy Spirit?
    Is the procession long or short?
    Does there have to be singing the whole time (organs are ideal for processions)?
    Even though it’s dated and not a great work of art, I still like F. Peeters “Entrada Festiva” (and while the text is Latin, if your congregation can’t wrap their heads around “Christus vincit”, you may have a problem on your hands).
    For the end of Mass, is there a particular Marian devotion in the diocese? — or a patronal saint whose name should be praised for the ordination? A Holy Spirit hymn?
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    I am told the Ordinariate uses ‘I bind unto myself today’ (ST PATRICK’S BREASTPLATE) as a processional for ordinations.

    ‘Firmly I believe and truly’ (NATOSHA HOUSE) from the St Michael hymnal would also be great.
  • Here is my setting of the entrance antiphon and verses.
    diaconate introit english.docx
  • Here is my setting of the antiphon and verses for the kiss of peace. (Do not sing verse 11 in Lent.)
    diaconate kiss of peace chant except in Lent.doc
  • This is the form I send to the deacons.
    Musical Choice Template for Diaconate Ordination.pdf
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,341
    I love Firmly I believe... to NASHOTAH HOUSE
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    My dyslexic memory…
  • I've heard my diocese use Lord You Give the Great Commission.
  • Chaswjd
    Posts: 276
    How about the Jernberg “The Love of God Has Been Poured into our Hearts”.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232
    The reader sends his thanks for all these recommendations!
  • PLTT
    Posts: 151
    Laudate, Laudate Dominum by Walker - there are verses for the Word of God, answering the call, service.....

    "Tell out my soul" by the Anglican whose name escapes me :) to the tune "Woodlands". It also has the virtue of being a paraphrase of the Magnificat, so there is a Marian element there.....

    There is also a piece "Go to the world" - I am not the biggest fan of some of the phrasing, but it is to the tune of Sine Nomine (aka For All the Saints).....