I am wondering if anyone has purchased CMAA's reprint of the 1961 Graduale, especially the hardcover version, and would share your opinion of the books physical attributes. I would be interested to know how thick the volumes are, and if anyone has found them actually practical for singing the propers Sunday to Sunday. I am also very confused that the first volume is supposedly 690 pages, and the second 532, but the first volume is supposed to be just the proper of the season. And in the pdf, the proper of the season takes up significantly less than that, so I really want to know how the first volume spends 690 pages on the proper of the season. These reprints certainly interest me, but I'm not sure how practical they would really be, and I'd really appreciate some info from anyone who has them.
I don't have the reprint and am not sure if I've seen one personally, but my guess is that vol. I must include the Common of the Saints as well, perhaps also the Requiem Mass, Common Tones, and Appendix.
That would make sense mathematically. Although if the common of the saints is in a different volume than the proper of the saints, that would make it even more difficult to use. Thanks for your answer!
Here's a routine reminder: Critique principles, not people.
The two volumes contain the content of the 1961 Graduale:
volume 1: pages 001-389: Proper of Seasons; pages 390-646: Proper of Saints (Nov 29-Oct 31)
volume 2: pages 647-658; Proper of Saints (Nov 1-26) pages [1]-[83]: Common of Saints pages [84]-[149]: Votive Masses pages 1*-93*: Ordinary of the Mass pages 94*-159*: Mass of the Dead pages 1**-141**: Proper of the Saints for certain places; Common of Saints for certain places pages 143**-153**: Psalms used in Holy Week (according to the "Pian" psalter) pages vii-xxvii: guide to the Vatican edition of Roman chant; pages 154**-183**: Indexes
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