Tantum ergo to “Divinum mysterium”
  • Nisi
    Posts: 154
    Does anyone have a typeset version of Tantum ergo to the melody “Divinum mysterium”, for use at Exposition & Benediction in the Christmas season? Thank you!
  • I have O Salutaris Hostia to Conditor Alme Siderum, because I wrote it as a Christmas present for one of my sons.
    Thanked by 1ServiamScores
  • CGM
    Posts: 725

    How would that work, exactly? The verses of "Tantum ergo" are six lines apiece, while "Divinum mysterium" has seven lines per stanza, as does its related Latin text, "Corde natus ex Parentis".

    Would you
    — just repeat one of the lines, to stretch the six lines into seven? Seems a little odd.
    — add the "Saeculorum saeculis" ("Ever more and ever more") from the original Christmas text? Probably best not to mess with Aquinas's poetry.

    In the second verse (the doxology "Genitori, Genitoque"), you could use the "Amen" across the whole seventh bar of music, but not sure what you'd do for the initial verse ("Tantum ergo").

    Thanked by 2rich_enough LauraKaz