O What Light and Glory (two hymns – free score)
  • Greetings all,
    At some point last year, I arranged the wonderful text, "Oh! what light and glory!" to two hymns of my own making. The first is a more traditional metered hymn style, whereas the second is based on a plainchant melody. Both work very well, respectively.

    Oh! What light and glory deck Thee all resplendent,
    Thou, of Royal David: Glorious descendant!

    Mary, ever Virgin, Who in Heav'n art dwelling,
    all the choirs of Angels evermore excelling!

    Mother, yet the honor of a Virgin bearing,
    for the Lord of Angels dwelling pure preparing.

    Him within Thy bosom, chastely Thou enshrinest,
    Thus, our God Incarnate takes His Flesh divinest!

    May His pity grant us, far our darkness sending,
    with Thee, in His glory, joy and light unending.

    Hear us, Holy Father, thru Thy son supernal,
    with the Holy Spirit, Lord and God eternal!

    I'd like to share both these versions with you all in case anyone would find them of benefit. Free to use and share. We will be singing the plainchant version this coming weekend.

    Scores & demos attached.
    Pax (and happy ember day!)
    Oh, What Light and Glory • SATB 5.66 FINAL (both versions).pdf
    Oh! What Light and Glory! (Organ Demo, both versions) • James Richardson.mp3