Missa Brevis Regina : for SATB Choir (with or without organ) : by Koerber
  • francis
    Posts: 10,895
    Here is a Mass I finished and presented to my students on the feast day of St. Cecilia (yesterday).

    They have already learned the Kyrie, but I finished the other two movements yesterday.

    As some of you may realize, I posted the Soprano part to the Sanctus and Agnus asking for suggestions of harmonic content to get ideas a few days ago or so. However, I already had the content in my noggin as I was composing the Soprano part, so I am putting it out here for you to see/hear it.

    The Kyrie is composed for the NO as it only has the 2,2,2 repetition.

    St. Cecilia, Pray for Us!

    Thanked by 1sdtalley3