Liturgy of the Hours Congregational and Organ Accompaniment Resources
  • SWM
    Posts: 38
    There is interest in regularly chanting the Liturgy of the Hours (1975 ICEL edition) at my church, in particular sung Vespers (Evening Prayer II) on Sundays. I am at a loss for how to do this in a way that wouldn’t require me to spend a large amount of time creating congregational participation aids and adapting musical scores to accompany each Hymn, Antiphon, and Psalm. Can anyone recommend any pew books including an accompaniment edition that a parish could buy to regularly chant the Liturgy of the Hours (the Mundelein Psalter was recommended to me already)? And are there any websites that offer downloadable Vespers congregational participation aids including Hymns and Psalm Tones for the entirely of the liturgical year (Proper of the Time and Proper of the Saints)?
  • There is always Father Weber's Work.

    Hymnal for Hours:

    The only thing I dont like is that the tones are not original but I think for a parish setting they are good to introduce chanting the office.

    I also heard that Bishop Baron has some project which has the office printed monthly the way they print the Magnificat. But I have no idea what it actually has in it or not.
    Thanked by 2SWM John_F_Church
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,492
    Forty years ago there was such a resource, at least for Sundays. There is a copy at It worked well for us.
    Thanked by 2SWM John_F_Church
  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 551
    Depending how fancy you want to get in your musical/parochial situation, forum member smvanroode has done amazing work putting together PDFs of the LOTH for each Sunday. NB that it is all in Latin and the antiphons may differ from what’s in the English books for the “spoken” Office, but all is correct according to the most recent editions of the Ordo Cantus Officii.
  • SWM
    Posts: 38
    Thank you, all. These are excellent resources. I feel as though I may at least have a starting point.
  • lmassery
    Posts: 425
    I wish there was one book that has it all, but I don’t think that exists. I recently put together this resource to help people in your situation, but it admittedly requires some work. Hopefully I’ve done enough of it for you here
    Thanked by 2SWM Bri
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,006
    but all is correct according to the most recent editions of the Ordo Cantus Officii.

    No, my resources follow the 1983 edition of the Ordo Cantus Officii, not the latest from 2015. But thanks for mentioning them!
    Thanked by 2SWM Bri
  • SWM
    Posts: 38
    Thank you, lmassery. Your resource does seem very helpful.
    Thanked by 1lmassery
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Mundelin psalter is the easiest hands down. Most likely you may have? 25 people? Buying 25 M Psalters will not cost much and you will never have to copy or arrange anything ever.
    BTW i have a copy of the organ acct yo the tones if needed
    Thanked by 1SWM
  • SWM
    Posts: 38

    Is there not an official book of organ accompaniment for the tones?