Mystic Modern: the music of Charles Tournemire
Guerrero for All Souls
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,846
    Last year All Saints fell on a Monday and was not observed at our church; instead we had a choral Mass for All Souls and (per a recommendation on this forum!) sang Clemens' Requiem. This year the choir sang our usual Victoria O quam gloriosum at Tuesday's Day of Obligation for about 50 people, but this afternoon we had a quartet to sing Guerrero's Requiem, a 'skeleton crew' as it were, with about 20 in attendance. It's another very beautiful and accessible piece, with a number of pretridentine options for gradual & tract that could be useful in the OF; I opted to try and get the congregation to open their mouths for a Responsorial Psalm (with disgustingly little result this time).

    St David of Wales, Richmond Calif. 5:00 Mass
    Introit (with verse Te decet) Guerrero
    Kyrie Guerrero
    Psalm 24 Anglican chant & Alleluia
    Offertorium Guerrero
    Sanctus & Benedictus Guerrero (the first of 2, from 1566; a revised version was made for 1582 edition.)
    Agnus (edition of 1582) Guerrero
    Lux aeterna Guerrero (edition of 1582)
    Post-Comm hymn Jesus Son of Mary (ADORO TE)
    recessional hymn Abide with me (EVENTIDE)
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • Richard Mix,

    Thanks for posting this; I had not heard Guerrero’s Lux Aeterna until now, and it’s quite lovely.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,846
    We sang this gem again for a funeral today, visiting one different movement:

    prelude music: Introit (with verse Te decet) Guerrero
    Amazing Grace NEW BRITAIN
    And Abraham went again, Lord, saith he, be not angry, I beseech thee, if I speak: wilt thou not spare the vernacular entrance hymn for the sake of even a single righteous pew-singer? And lo…

    Ψ. & Gosp. as above
    Off. Sicut cervus Guerrero (hint: the 2nda pars switches to low clefs, but is quite lovely with ATS(8va)B)
    Sanctus, Agnus, Lux aeterna as above.
    In Paradisum/May choirs (hymnal plainchant)

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen