Untitled hymn tune - for Advent
  • Hello!

    This is a hymn tune I wrote. PDF and string quartet playthrough included (different keys, sorry). I am currently working on a text, is what I am going with (though it could also be or or or some combination of those!)

    I would welcome any attempts at a text. No guarantee I'd use it, but hey! Can't hurt to have more than one text to the melody. I would like to use it for Advent. But whatever you think this would be good for...
    Untitled advent hymn.pdf
    2022-07-13 advent hymn.mp3
  • WOW is that lovely on strings. I really like this a lot.
    Thanked by 1LauraKaz
  • Lovely. Feels German to me.
  • One existing text that might work is "The Sands of Time are Sinking" ( It's not clear to me exactly how the words would fit the tune, but this is one of the meters you mentioned and the text has Advent overtones.

    1 The sands of time are sinking,
    the dawn of heaven breaks,
    the summer morn I've sighed for,
    the fair sweet morn awakes;
    dark, dark hath been the midnight,
    but dayspring is at hand,
    and glory, glory dwelleth
    in Emmanuel's land.

    2 The King there in his beauty
    without a veil is seen;
    it were a well-spent journey,
    though sev'n deaths lay between:
    the Lamb with his fair army
    doth on Mount Zion stand,
    and glory, glory dwelleth
    in Emmanuel's land.

    3 O Christ, he is the fountain,
    the deep sweet well of love!
    The streams on earth I've tasted,
    more deep I'll drink above:
    there to an ocean fullness
    his mercy doth expand,
    and glory, glory dwelleth
    in Emmanuel's land.

    4 The bride eyes not her garment,
    but her dear bridegroom's face;
    I will not gaze at glory,
    but on my King of grace;
    not at the crown he gifteth,
    but on his piercèd hand:
    the Lamb is all the glory
    of Emmanuel's land.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,218
    Alas, while the above text is quite good, it is iambic, while the tune is not.
    Thanked by 1rich_enough
  • MRT— I think I found a mistake in your score: I was playing along and the bass note at the end of the second stave sounded wrong. Comparing against your (excellent) recording, it appears the bass plays an A, not a G, which sounds better and matches the first stave as well.
    Thanked by 1m_r_taylor
  • Thank you!

    Indeed, it's trochaic and spondaic - which makes it slightly more difficult to set to text since lines cannot begin with articles. It lends itself better to direct address and the imperative mood.
  • This is FAR from a perfect text, but I wanted to give it at least a few minutes thought. I more than welcome anyone else here running with it and turning it into something better:

    Come Thou, long-expected Jesus,
    For we pine Thine healing.
    Condescend to dwell among(st) us:
    Triune God revealing.
    Lowly mankind sighs, oppressed,
    Bound in sin, lies wasted—
    Hear the cries of those who seek Thee
    Man's salvation sure!

    Naught but sin, the earth is groaning;
    Tarry not Thy coming!
    Ancient Prophets' cries resounding
    Of a Virgin bearing—
    Turn we now unto Thy star;
    Wayward souls illumine!
    Eager, now, we ’wait the herald:
    "Christ, the King, is born!"

    Now, my heart, prepare a welcome
    For thy King is coming!
    Haste! prepare, my soul, as manger
    And mine heart as swadd'ling!
    [alt: Heart, as swaddle wrapping!]
    God forbid! that, unprepared
    You not bid Him no repose!
    Rather: humbled, eager, waiting,
    Bid Him enter in!
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen m_r_taylor