Jubilee hymn competition
  • https://www.iubilaeum2025.va/en/inno.html

    I have to confess that I am a bit confused. I can't discern a meter in this text and there are parts that seem theologically dodgy. However, I am hoping very much to blame that on my relatively late arrival to the Church and/or grasp of the Italian language.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,124
    Here's the full pdf:
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,124
    Pellegrini di speranza
    By Pierangelo Sequeri

    Fiamma viva della mia speranza
    questo canto giunga fino a Te!
    Grembo eterno d’infinita vita
    nel cammino io confido in Te.

    1. Ogni lingua, popolo e nazione
    trova luce nella tua Parola.
    Figli e figlie fragili e dispersi
    sono accolti nel tuo Figlio amato.


    2. Dio ci guarda, tenero e paziente:
    nasce l’alba di un futuro nuovo.
    Nuovi Cieli Terra fatta nuova:
    passa i muri Spirito di vita.


    3. Alza gli occhi, muoviti col vento,
    serra il passo: viene Dio, nel tempo.
    Guarda il Figlio che s’è fatto Uomo:
    mille e mille trovano la via.

  • Thank you, Liam.
  • Anna,

    My Italian's not good enough to know whether the text is dodgy, either. The goal is to get a musical setting for this text, obviously, and only after the winner is announced in Italian will translations (which may or may not have the same meter/rhyme as the original, since poetry isn't the strong suit of translators in the Vatican these days) be distributed.

    Thank you for posting it.
    Thanked by 1Anna_Bendiksen
  • Honestly, is a refrain with verses really a hymn? After decades of ditching the propers for non-Catholic hymnody, we can't even manage a proper hymn anymore.

    As to the meter, one would have to be Italiante enough to understand the copious elisions they employ in their poetry, and which casual (in my case, ignorant) readers can never discern.
  • SLANE ;-) The refrain however scans better as 10 9 10 9.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,206
    The metre is evidently(?) 10 10. 10 10. D - and Richard is right about the copious elisions.
  • Perhaps one could technically call it a Carol, if carols can be Italian.