Ave Maria (Shoobert) : rearranged by Koerber
  • francis
    Posts: 10,895
    OK... Shoobert is definitely a dig at the soopiness of the original piece... but if this can make it any more bearable, have at it. I avoid this piece like the plague.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,833
    If your plague-avoidance protocol is anything like your Schubert behaviour it will definitely be an elbow bump and a quick retreat should we ever meet in person, Francis ;-)

    Last week we had the Fatima statue competing with choir rehearsal, and the accompanying bulletin printed lyrics for singing Schubert's Ave. Somebody apparently Googled Sir Walther Scott's text. I imagine it must have been more than a little Grausam, if anyone actually joined in!
    Thanked by 1ServiamScores
  • francis
    Posts: 10,895
    @Richard Mix

    One day I hope to meet everyone here before we go onto our eternal reward or otherwise. I often wear earplugs to most NO gatherings, but I am now avoiding them since the new abomination of the sacrament of Purell has come into play.

    Last week I attended an NO, (and this practice seems to have taken on a universal appeal since most everywhere I go this seems to be in vogue) and the priest, right before giving out communion, leaned over to the abominable pump and proceeded to mix the particles of the sacred body of our Lord (on his hands and fingers) and rub them together as though he was cleansing himself from infection. Little does he realize the sacrilege of this horrendous assault on the sacred species. It is at this point that I cannot come forward to receive what is desecrated. So much for the 'real' plague.

    As for the Fatima statue debacle, on a human level, scheduling the devotion would be crucial to its success and to the respect of those already occupying the space. That said, I should stress that I am a great devotee of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Fatima is one of her greatest apparitions, in fact, probably her greatest ever. I would never discourage a devotion to Our Lady and if I found my choir rehearsal was in conflict with such an event, I would simply defer to the hyperdulia requested, particpate as best I could, and then resume the rehearsal. Our Lady will always take deference, even if her subjects are inconsiderate of protocol.

    As for the musical piece offered, well... OK... I understand the sentiment, and I would never discourage a sentiment toward the BVM. However, the simple Gregorian Ave would be at the top of my list, and then other settings that rise to a stately and solemn presentation of the most august prayer.

    The only time I ever play the shoobert is under political constraints, and then I try to make the best of it.

    a. skip the shoobert arrangement (with the unnecessarily long introduction and finale and the happy-go-lucky hopping thirds and fourths)
    b. do only the single first verse of the Catholic prayer. (please don't repeat what is already unbearable music)
    c. play an accompaniment that is more idiomatic to the organ. On that note, I hope I have improved upon the piece with this new rearrangement. (maybe it is more appropriate to call it a derangement?)
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,947
    It is, of course, worth noting that the two most popular settings of the Ave are both pieces of secular origin, and the words (and melody, in one case) were only retroactively coopted. I've come to nearly loathe the Schubert, although I'm careful to play the real thing when pressed, and not some of the weird arrangements you find out there. As for the Bach/Gounod, it is actually rather difficult to sing as the range is quite wide. And I don't like playing the "Prelude in C dur" in ... not C Dur. For this latter Ave, I settle on an instrumental arrangement where I put the melody on a 4' in the pedal accompanied by a light flute.
    Thanked by 1francis
  • Carol
    Posts: 856
    The organist at my parish really wanted to play the "Shoobert" after communion on August 14th (day before the Assumption), but time was short so he played it at a faster tempo and it reminded me of a ride on the merry-go-round.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,895

    Yes the ascending and descending arpeggios are barely tolerable as it is, but at merry go round speed... you need a kick, snare and cymbal!
    Thanked by 2ServiamScores Carol
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,947
    My favorite is how half the people who sing it only do the first half, so they completely ignore the second half of the prayer.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,895
    ServiamScores... yea... most don't realize it's half a prayer and then the other half taking the repeat.
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,947
    Granted, there’s nothing wrong with the angelic salutation. But yea. Pet peeve of mine.

    I just had a bride request it as a processional… And I had to inform her that that was not appropriate because the music is five minutes long. Even truncated it’s too long. We can do it when you take flowers to Our Lady…
    Thanked by 1francis
  • francis
    Posts: 10,895
    hmmm.... I need to take flowers to Our Lady more often (besides the daily crown of roses)... thanks for the nudge.
  • Francis,

    You want occasions to hear Schubert?
  • francis
    Posts: 10,895

    I have exhausted all possibilities for the occasion of performing the SAM, and am now 'shooing' the 'bert', once and for all. I will probably never have another post (paid) so I have no reason to compromise with political bureaucrats ever again. As a die hard 'militant Catholic' [if you have been following the news] (I make and pray rosaries all the time... http://www.finerosary.com - I would vouchsafe to say that these rosaries are of the same quality and timelessness as my musical compositions), I will probably go out with a bang leading a huge choir singing the Ave Maria in GC... maybe sooner than later at the rate of worldly decay.
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,947
    Your website says:
    For just short of three decades, I have been making these Fine Rosaries

    My rosaries all have a full five decades. (Purple)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,895

    its been longer now... the website is outdated... i started in 1990... so i am up to three decades and a pinch...

    (latest endeavor making cord rosaries... good daily drivers and for running or walking...)

    btw... i changed it to reflect more accurate information since you mentioned it.