• FSSPmusic
    Posts: 273
    Does anyone have biographical information for Karl [Carolus] Ott, editor of the Offertoriale? I found the dates 1914–2003 for a Jesuit of that name, but that one would have been only 20 or 21 when the Offertoriale was published.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,086
    VIAF gives the following:

    I'm suspecting though that there's a confusion within the VIAF cluster. These are all supposed to be the same person. But there are Otts with the Offertoriale, and Otts with dates. The one exception is the Dutch record, which gives 1873 as a birth year, which is plausible. The "date" records give:
    but they also lead to German Wikipedia for Karl Vincenz Ott, who is clearly not our man, since there is no mention of religion whatsoever.
    My working theory is that 1873 is a legit birth year for Fr. Ott, but also the source of the confusion with the dates for Dr. phil. Ott
    Thanked by 2tomjaw FSSPmusic
  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 546
    One must connect the Otts….
  • FSSPmusic
    Posts: 273
    Jeffrey, thanks for this information. Eleven articles by Ott, published between 1907 and 1911 in Rassegna Gregoriana, are listed in this bibliography, which curiously omits the Offertoriale. I googled the former publication and see that Ott's name is followed by Gerichtsassessor. Possibly he was neither a priest nor musicologist by vocation, but rather a man of law. Now we're getting somewhere. Nickel's 1908 Geschichte der katholischen Kirchenmusik mentions "Karl Ott, Gerichtsassessor in Ravensburg," but a search for Karl Ott Ravensburg has turned up nothing of interest so far. It's not unthinkable that someone who published in 1935 may have come down on the wrong side of politics in the following decade, which could explain the lack of references, but that's pure speculation on my part.

    Good one, Gamba!
  • Coemgen
    Posts: 50
    If it helps, the Offertoriale Triplex 1985 copyright page says

    L'Offertoriale du Dr. Karl Ott est reproduit avec l'aimable autorisation de Mme. Elisabeth Weiss, sa nièce, et des éditions Desclée.

    The Offertoriale of Dr. Karl Ott is reproduced with the kind permission of Madame Elisabeth Weiss, his niece, and the Desclee editions.
    Thanked by 1FSSPmusic
  • Eleven articles by Ott, published between 1907 and 1911 in Rassegna Gregoriana, are listed in this bibliography, which curiously omits the Offertoriale.

    The Offertoriale is listed in the section of chant books (p. 177 of the pdf file), but Ott is not mentioned in that entry, though.
    Thanked by 1FSSPmusic