Suggestions for Motets for Anniversary of Priestly Ordination?
  • Nisi
    Posts: 153
    I wonder if any of you might suggest some motets (Offertory and Communion) for an anniversary of priestly ordination? We have good singers and a fine organ. Thank you!
  • Leo Nestor - Simon, Son of John
    Stainer - How Beautiful Upon the Mountains
    Mendelssohn - How Lovely are the Messengers
    Friedell - Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether
    Te Deum- chant or Stanford in Bb
    Veni Creator- chant or Palestrina
    Thanked by 1Nisi
  • Splenda
    Posts: 12
    The Benedictines of Mary- Queen of Priests. Available on their website.
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    Hard to beat the Desmet Tu es sacerdos
    Thanked by 1Nisi
  • Do you have language requirements?
  • Wllm Byrd - Sacerdotes Domini
  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 551
    On the simple side, but apt.,_Lord,_the_Hands_(Willan%2C_Healey)

    Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands
    that holy things have taken;
    let ears that now have heard thy songs
    to clamour never waken.

    Lord, may the tongues which 'Holy' sang
    keep free from all deceiving;
    the eyes which saw thy love be bright,
    thy blessèd hope perceiving.

    The feet that tread thy holy courts
    from light do thou not banish;
    the bodies by thy Body fed
    with thy new life replenish.
    Text after St. Ephrem of Syria.
    Thanked by 2Paul F. Ford Nisi
  • Gamba's 'Strengthen for Service, Lord' may also be found at number 201 in the 1940, set to the tune Malabar. While Willan's setting would be a splendid anthem, this would be a good hymn on the occasion.
  • Might you sing Sir Edward Bairstow's I sat down, which a quartet sang at my son's wedding reception, as a gift to the bride and groom?

    Or, perhaps, Non Nobis Domine, or a setting of "I shall take up the chalice of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord"?

    As mentioned above, I highly recommend "Queen of Priests" by the Benedictines of Mary

    or there is always this:

    Words by Robert Loretz
    Music by Jean Sibelius
    Tune: Be Still my Soul

    1. Eternal Priest, You have become the Temple
    Entered the tent where God longs to meet man,
    and there you offer through your flesh surrendered
    your very self, as Sacrificial Lamb,
    And in your hour, at last embrace as Husband
    Her, ever loved in your eternal plan

    2. Now intercede, fill with your Holy Spirit
    him whom you raise to share the rank of priest,
    That by his mouth your gospel may be spoken
    And from his hand your flock may know your peace,
    That he may worthily approach your altar
    Off'ring through you the Eucharistic feast

    3. Conform his heart to yours, Eternal Shepherd
    That he may lay his life down for the lost
    May he partake, O Christ, in your own Headship
    And feed your Body, counting not the cost
    Configure him to have Your Heart, O Husband
    Which for your Bride was opened on the cross

    4. Glory to Christ, our Altar, Priest, and Victim,
    In whose self-gift His Bride has been restored
    Praise to the the Spirit given through His dying
    In whom she is one spirit with the Lord,
    So that the Father for whom both are given
    Be, in the Church, eternally adored.