Litany of Ss. for Lent I
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,176
    [Just to prove that I am not entirely against the N.O., and those things in it that are a true restoration of ancient practices, rather than the fantasies of the Apostolic Nuncio to Iran...]

    We are thinking of having a solemn procession before the principal Mass on the first Sunday of Lent with the Litany of Saints this year, adapting to local circumstance (i.e., it's New England, and will probably still be cold and snowing on Lent I). I have the "Litany of Saints for Solemn Occasions" from By Flowing Waters, but was wondering if there was a version of that Litany with a text closer to that found in the Litany of Saints for the Easter Vigil in the Roman Missal, only because I don't want to confuse the people with the texts of the responses: We've been singing the Litany at the Vigil for aeons, and this is the first time we'd be doing the "stational" procession on Lent I, and I notice that the English version of "Te rogamus" is different in the Missal and BFW.

    Please, plainchant only! (No Becker, et al.)

    Thanks for your help.