Organist and Director of Sacred Music at St. Michael Catholic Church in Brattleboro, Vermont
  • St. Michael Catholic Parish, is seeking a full-time director of music to develop and maintain a program of sacred music that will support and enable the people of the parish to encounter more deeply the sacred mysteries of the liturgy. The position requires the individual to possess competent organ and piano skills, strong choral skills and organizational skills that will assist in their direction of an adult and a youth choir. The position requires that an individual possess knowledge of Roman Catholic liturgy and must be capable of working collaboratively with the pastor and staff. The individual will be a practicing Catholic in accordance with Canon 874 §1, 3◦ , 4◦ of the Code of Canon Law.

    Education and Experience
    An individual should be highly competent in music ministry studies or have three to five years of related experience. Bachelor’s degree in music and/or qualified experience preferred. Equivalent combination of education and experience may be acceptable to the hiring authority. The individual must understand and be able to articulate the Church’s sacramental, ecclesial, moral and spiritual theology and how they apply to the faithful.

    Essential Functions of the Job
    Provide music for 3 weekend Masses as well as feasts and solemnities, holy days of obligation, funerals and weddings, and other sacramental celebrations.
    Direct and develop the adult choir, as well as form and develop the youth choir.
    Provide music for school Masses.
    Recruit and train all musicians.
    Administer music program by ensuring proper and timely communication, meeting with pastor as necessary, maintaining copyright privileges, and overseeing the upkeep of instruments and equipment.

    Commensurate with degree and experience; medical benefits provided, if needed. Weddings and funerals provide additional income. The parish averages 45 funerals and 5 weddings per year.

    To Apply: Please email your resume for consideration to Father Henry Furman at
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,245
    [Closing the item to comments, as usual.--admin]
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