Mystic Modern: the music of Charles Tournemire
Antiphon ‘In die resurrectionis meæ’
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,012
    The Missale Romanum offers different antiphons to be sung during the sprinkling of holy water during the Easter Season. One of them is In die resurrectionis meæ. It is, other than you would expect, an actual authentic antiphon from the Gregorian repertoire of mode 8. The only thing is, it’s not in any modern (>1880’s) chant book.

    There’s a multitude of manuscripts and codexes available online: These could help to create a critical transcription in square notes. Together with the adiastematic neumatic notations, this source (NL-Uu : Hs. 0415) could be a good starting point.

    Who could help? Or do you know of any transcription that has already been published?
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,510
    On the Cantus database there is
    Thanked by 1smvanroode
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,836
    Here's a reading of with it's curious word division barlines; is GABC transcription what you had in mind?

    title:In die resurrectionis;
    text-left:Utrecht HSS: Hs 6 A 1 fol. lxxxviii;
    In(dv) di(fgf)e(ghv) (:) re(ghv)sur(gv)rec(ghv)ti(g)o(ghvGFgv)nis(fv) (;) me(ffv)ae(ded) (;) di(fv)cit(ghv) do(hv)mi(gv)nus(gh/jijkj) (;) al(hv)le(hv)lu(hvGF)ia(ghih/hg) (;) con(gv)gre(gv)ga(g/hji)bo(kj) gen(hv)tes(gv) (;) et(fv) col(ixf/g/h/iv)li(hv)gam(hv) reg(ixhgih)na(gf) et(gv) ef(gv)fun(ghj)dam(jv) su(kj)per(hvGFixg/hih) vos(hg) (;) a(g/hjv)quam(jjv) mun(ixhGFg/h/ih)dam(hg) (;) al(hv)le(gjghvGFgvhjkjjIHiHG)lu(g/hjhi)ia.(hg.) (::)
    Thanked by 2smvanroode CHGiffen
  • Here's a routine reminder: Please stay on the original topic of the thread.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,012
    Thank you, Richard and Hawkins! This is a first attempt. There's a lot that has to be done (the last ‘alleluia’ is taken straight from Richards transcription).

    The neumes above the staves are taken from CH-Sgs: Cod 0375. Comparison with other codexes is still needed (this is the first time I made use of nabc in gregorio).
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen