Songs for children to sing at vespers
  • I am in need of reverent (simple songs) for a child to sing solo during vespers. Our schola is very small, but we are seeking to incorporate children into our first friday vespers. Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  • Juadel50,

    Welcome to the comment side of the forum.

    If you can give more musical details, and if you can identify the kind of First Friday Vespers you're trying to improve, I think people hereabouts will be more able to help.

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    Since Vespers includes the singing of several psalms, it might be workable to divide the verses between two groups of singers alternating: perhaps adults in one group and children in the other: or perhaps a solo singer alternating with a group. (Two equal groups would probably be best.) The melodies used for singing the verses are easy formulas that children can practice and learn.

    This kind of participation has a real advantage in that the children can be equal participants, singing the genuine liturgy, instead of songs that are somewhat artificial, because they are not really part of the text of Vespers.