Holy Family: a feast or solemnity?
  • I hear this day (the Sunday between Christmas and New Year’s) referred to as either a feast or solemnity. Wouldn’t it be a solemnity, as all Sundays are considered a solemnity? Is the “feast” title carried over from an older calendar?

    What did y’all end up singing/play today?
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,005
    According to the current 2008 Missale Romanum: festum

    According to the former 1962 Missale Romanum: II classis
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,492
    In 2022 there is no Sunday between Christmas and the New Year, so the Feast of the Holy Family is indeed classed as a feast, celebrated on 30th December. As regards votive masses and requiems, this makes no difference, the rules are the same for Sundays of Christmastide and for Feasts.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    Feast. All Sundays are *not* considered solemnities: rather they rank (in terms of precedence) at least as *feasts of the Lord*, sometimes higher depending on the observance.
  • As Liam said, most Sundays rank as Feasts of the Lord. Feasts of the Lord in the general calendar (such as the Presentation) take precedence over Sundays. Sundays of Advent, Lent and Eastertide, however, take precedence over Solemnities.
    Thanked by 1jballon