Does anyone have a melody for the responsory "Fecit me Deus" in the Liturgy of the Hours?
  • The 1st responsory in the Office of Readings for the Solemnity of St Joseph is:

    R. Fecit me Deus quasi patrem regis et dóminum univérsæ domus eius; * Exaltávit me, ut salvos fáceret multos pópulos (T.P. allelúia).
    V. Adiútor et protéctor factus est mihi Dóminus in salútem. R. Exaltávit me, ut salvos fáceret multos pópulos (T.P. allelúia).

    I've seen similar responsories in the Antiphonarii Cisterciencis Pars Prima, the Sandhofe Nocturnale and the Liber Responsorialis, but the texts of the responsories differs considerably.

    Does any one have a melody from whatever source for the responsory?
  • It is quite possible that this is a new text written specially for Liturgy of Hours, and melody for this version has never been published. However, the response "Fecit me deus ..." is in the Roman Breviary, with the verse "Venite ad me ..." So this melody should be in Sandhofe's book. It has been a common phenomenon that in different parts of Europe the same response had different verses. Therefore, in this case the standard verse melody of the appropriate mode could be easily adapted for this text of the verse.