Tones for Monastic Office (Benedictine Le Barroux)
  • Does any kind reader know how to find the tones for the monastic office that is changed at Le Barroux? Has this been posted or shared before?
  • To the best of my knowledge, there is no "Antiphonal" equivalent of the Barroux Office available. That is, apart from the Antiphonale Monasticum.
    Thanked by 1ACabezon
  • Here it is:
    There are a few changes between 1934 and 1961 (the Barroux Breviary is a slightly corrected version of the (Monastic Breviary), but nothing substantial.
    Thanked by 3CHGiffen ACabezon Bri
  • Thank you! This forum is an amazing resource that brings together all the right people!
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • OraLabora
    Posts: 218
    One change that came about in the '50s: in the 1934 Antiphonale Monasticum, at the start of the psalmody only the incipit of the antiphon was sung, after which the monks launched into the psalmody directly; the entire antiphon was always sung after the psalm only. Some time in the '50s, it was changed so that the entire antiphon was sung before and after the psalm, which is the current practice.

    I have no idea however, if Barroux incorporates this change. One would have to listen to one of their broadcasts of the Office.

  • I have no idea however, if Barroux incorporates this change. One would have to listen to one of their broadcasts of the Office.

    Just had a listen to Vespers for today from Barroux - seems that they incorporate the change.
    Thanked by 1OraLabora
  • JonLaird
    Posts: 246
    I had assumed that the partial antiphon before the psalm was just a printing convention. Was it actually sung that way -- that is, incipit only?
    Thanked by 1Bri
  • Bri
    Posts: 116
    I assumed the same thing, JonLaid!

    I'd love to hear others' thoughts on this.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    Well in the old days if the feast was a double you would sing the Antiphon in full before and after the psalm, but if it was not a double you would only sing the first part before the psalm and the complete antiphon afterwards.
    Thanked by 1JonLaird
  • Bri
    Posts: 116
    What is a "double"?

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232
    The calendar in use in the 1950s classified various feasts as "simplex", "duplex", or "semiduplex".

    Feasts might be observed fully, or transferred, or reduced to a "commemoration", depending on the season, the day of the week and the rank of the feast.

    Certain parts of the Office were included or omitted, or sung to differing melodies or tones, according to the categories. For example, in the Office, on doubles, each psalm antiphon was sung fully before and after its psalm; on lesser days, the antiphon was sung only once.

    The calendar was reorganized in 1960, and those terms no longer apply.

  • The typical edition of the Roman Breviary, including the above mentioned reorganization of the calendar, took effect on July 25, 1960 with the m.p. Rubricarum instructum. In the accompanying rubrics at cap.V. E.191 the practice of saying the antiphons semper integrae / always in full, is mandated (for the first time).
    Thanked by 3tomjaw Bri JonLaird
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,437
    The texts are only doubled at Matins, Lauds, and Vespers on doubles. The minor hours are always sung as on semidoubles.
    Thanked by 1chonak