Puer Natus Est • Free PDF of Franciscan manuscript
  • Greetings all—
    If you've ever visited my website or read some of my other posts, you'll know that this past year I've embarked upon a project to compose modern psalm settings based on the musical material provided by chant settings of the same text. This yields some interesting results that are (I think) rather lovely. At any rate, to do this, I scour the Cantus database and look at hundreds of manuscripts. Yesterday I was perusing a Franciscan manuscript from a monastery in "Fribourg" (Freiburg) Germany and as I poked around the database further, I was led to a different sister manuscript which comes from the same monastery and dates to c.1300AD. This Graduale had a wonderfully illuminated page for "Puer Natus Est" whose notation was eminently readable (unlike many other older manuscripts). I decided to use my time between morning masses to photoshop it so that it now contains a translation, as well as a more legible font so a modern choir could sing from it. I plan on printing this in color as a little Christmas treat for my schola this year. I wanted to share it here with you all as well, so that you (and your scholæ) might enjoy it too. Feel free to share. CC-BY-NC (you can share it, but link to the source and you can't sell the image). This is the same CC license as the library from whom I attained the image. I'm sharing here both the original image as well as my edited version as a printable PDF.

    To view the original manuscript in whole, visit here: http://www.e-codices.ch/en/fcc/0009/11r
    PUER NATUS EST ORIGINAL e-codices_fcc-0009_011r_max.jpg
    6132 x 8176 - 9M
    Puer Natus Manuscript - Edited PR.pdf
  • CGM
    Posts: 709
    typo alert: it's "super humerum," not "super humerium"

    Lovely otherwise.
  • OOOoo good catch. I'll fix it and re-upload.
  • Fixed.
  • Here's a YT vid to demonstrate this particular version (practice track for my schola).