Help!! Dissertation Survey: Burnout among Church Musicians
  • mwest
    Posts: 1
    My wife is doing her dissertation on burnout among church musicians. She is looking for about 50 more responses. The survey is 10-15 minutes in length and anonymous.

    Please take the survey and share it with any colleagues.

    Survey Link:

    -Matt West
    Thanked by 1Chrism
  • MarkB
    Posts: 1,099
    I stopped when I was asked if my gender included trans or queer identities. I'm not going to validate that false ideology by participating in a survey that considers such delusions to be objectively real, not even if I can skip choosing them. Their mere presence as options gives them the appearance of validity, and I'm not going to legitimize them implicitly nor participate in society's slouch towards insanity with regard to the attempt by society's elites to abandon the objective and fixed natures of male and female sexes and to compel those who resist the idiocy of gender ideology to conform to the elites' irrational worldview or else be shut out of society and professionally ruined.
  • davido
    Posts: 985
    I imagine the gender question is a university requirement? I'm with MarkB, but it does put one in a pickle when trying to advance one's career through university education.
    Thanked by 2CharlesW mwest
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    I had wondered if Matt's wife formulated the question or whether someone on the dissertation committee inserted it.
  • LarsLars
    Posts: 128
    Women shouldn't be in education to begin with. And also be quiet in the church and submissive to their husbands.
  • In the OP's defense, it is about burnout among "pastoral musicians" which indicate in any way that this is strictly a catholic survey, and we all know other denominations entertain radical ideas. In fact, the number of choices for denominations is quite long.

    2. You are a music director, or hold a leadership position (such as organist, pianist, cantor, choir director, etc.) in a Christian religious institution in the United States of America (You do not need to be a Christian; you must only work in a Christian religious institution).

    To me the greater question is how does sexual identity have anything to do with being a musician...

    Edit-- having completed the study, it is clear that it is just a basic demographic question, and implies nothing about music ministry itself.
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,041
    I stopped when I was asked if my gender included trans or queer identities. I'm not going to validate that false ideology by participating in a survey that considers such delusions to be objectively real, not even if I can skip choosing them. Their mere presence as options gives them the appearance of validity, and I'm not going to legitimize them implicitly nor participate in society's slouch towards insanity with regard to the attempt by society's elites to abandon the objective and fixed natures of male and female sexes and to compel those who resist the idiocy of gender ideology to conform to the elites' irrational worldview or else be shut out of society and professionally ruined.

    Guigo the Carthusian once wrote that the truth does not need us to defend it... it defends us.

    Burnout is a huge issue, and I was happy to complete this survey honestly.
  • There seems to be a heavy emphasis on vetting whether or not musicians have a predisposition toward depression.
  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 558
    I stopped when I was asked if my gender included trans or queer identities.

    What a dumb hill to die on. The point of the survey, which becomes evident once one passes the first screen of demographic questions, is to gather responses from as many church musicians as possible. What you think about gender identity has no bearing on the fact that there are many LGBT+ church musicians, whose input is needed if the researcher is to have a representative sample of all church musicians.

    Such demographic questions are SOP for all formal surveys and are necessary so that the researcher knows that the responses they’ve received actually represent the entire group they were trying to survey, and they didn’t accidentally end up with responses only from Pacific Islander women older than 65 or white gay men under 30. Such questions also allow the researcher to correlate responses to demographic features, to learn things like “women feel burnt out more often”, or “men over 50 feel underpaid”, which would be otherwise unknowable.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,509
    It makes sense to ask questions for stratification checking which have factual answers, age for example. Sex used to be such a question, but has now been rendered meaningless by gender theory (or whatever it is called this week). It has swept away a statisticians joke from my youth about a tabulation of county populations subtitled 'broken down by age and sex'.
  • MarkB
    Posts: 1,099
    Might be standard in today's world of academia, but I don't have to participate in it, and I'm not going to lend a sense of legitimacy to a false understanding of reality.

    Church musicians are male or female, regardless of whatever else they claim about themselves or what they do in their private lives. Male or female: that's it. Those exhaust the sex or gender possibilities.

    Who would be excluded if the options were simply male and female? Every human being is one of those two sexes because everyone was conceived as one of those two sexes, and the whole world agreed about that until about yesterday.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,841
    But Mark, don't you think 'opting out of reality' (as you yourself put it) might have bearing on a propensity to burn out?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    I appreciate the conscientious objection that some have to participating in the survey, and also appreciate others' willingness to provide data despite the survey's reference to gender ideology.

    Still, it's sad to see a side issue dominate the discussion of this project.

    At this point, though, I think all the necessary things have been said, so I'll close the thread shortly. If there's anything else to add, feel free to send me a direct message through the forum.

    Thanked by 2ServiamScores Elmar
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