Synod on Synodality Opening Mass antiphons
  • Greetings,

    I am preparing the music for this "special" Mass that has been scheduled for Sunday, October 17. The Mass begins at the door of the church (baptistery) with the Sign of the cross, the Renewal of baptismal promises and Sprinkling rite accompanied by the Asperges. Then there is the procession accompanied by the Litany of the saints. Then there is the Introit, and this is where I need some direction, please. The antiphon is Cf. Col 3:14-15.
    "And over all things put on love, which is the bond of perfection, and let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts."
    Which is the Latin equivalent of this antiphon and where would it be found?

    Also, the worship aid I was given as a reference point indicates "Mass continues as usual" after the Prayers of the faithful. Should I assume the communio antiphon is that of the Sunday, or is there one designated for "Mass for a Synod"?

    Is anyone else planning a Mass for the synod on synodality?
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford
  • The Latin scripture (Vulgate) is: "Super ómnia autem hæc, caritátem habéte, quod est vínculum perfectiónis: et pax Christi exsúltet in córdibus vestris."

    This is a made-up antiphon, which does not exist in any sources, as far as I can tell. How the antiphon (with its Cf.) might be rendered in Latin is for better Latinists than I.

    The current Graduale (p.650) gives options under Missae ad diversa, I. Pro Sancta Ecclesia, 4. Pro concilio vel synodo (Missale Romanum n. 5):

    IN. Deus in loco sancto suo, p. 310
    GR. Venite, filii, audite me, p. 298
    AL. Spiritus sanctus docebit vos, p. 432
    OF. Confitebuntur caeli, p. 441
    CO. Tu mandasti mandata tua, p. 342

    Sunday Communion would be an option. But of course, your presider should tell you what Mass he is planning to say.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,492
    The Pope will be celebrating a Mass for the synod on Oct 10th. So by then there should be a service sheet on the Vatican website. I have managed to find these on occasion, but I can't see the right link at the moment. does NOT show me what I expected! Perhaps another forum member here can help.
  • Gustavo,

    I think the resident expert on Obscure Propers is Arthur Connick.

    How did you acquire the text of the antiphon you have?
  • Richard,
    Thanks, "vel synodo" did not catch my eye. Deus in loco it is.

    I believe the worship aid was formulated by someone in another office and forwarded to mine. They surely compiled it from from the RM.

    Actually, upon further asking, it seems the Vatican issued templates to use in disseminating the information., although the site was down last I checked.
    Synod on Synodality Structure of Mass.pdf
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,005
    The Pope will be celebrating a Mass for the synod on Oct 10th. So by then there should be a service sheet on the Vatican website. I have managed to find these on occasion, but I can't see the right link at the moment. does NOT show me what I expected! Perhaps another forum member here can help.

    Here's the booklet from the Vatican:
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,492
    Interesting/encouraging to see that they expect the congregation to sing the Ordinary in Latin and not a simplex setting but Orbis Factor.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,492
    It is very difficult to tell without knowing where the microphones are placed, but the congregation, which was almost entirely masked, did not seem to making much of a contribution. Creed at 44:00, Pater at 1:07:10.