Shreveport, LA: Director of Music needed, St. Joseph Catholic Church
  • kmues1
    Posts: 1
    St. Joseph Catholic Church is a vibrant parish celebrating its 71st anniversary this year. It is currently the largest parish in the diocese of Shreveport with around 1,000 families. The parish has a school with 300 students. This job is an opportunity to produce liturgical music to elevate the liturgy, to lead and build a choir and to introduce parishioners to the musical tradition of the Catholic Church. Here's the job description:

    The Director of Music (herein referred to as the DM) works with the Pastor and his team to plan music and liturgies throughout the liturgical year. The DM is the primary director and/or supervisor of all choirs and musical groups that exist or may be developed in the parish. The DM develops these musical groups to enhance the life of the parish and most importantly the Mass and congregants full participation. Ability to play organ or piano is not necessary but preferred. If the DM is not an organist or pianist, they will arrange accompanists for each liturgy.
    1. Oversee all music and musical groups in the parish.
    2. Organize accompanists and cantors for all Weekend Masses (total 5), weekly School Mass, Holy Day of Obligation Masses, and any other special services.
    3. Recruit members for, develop, direct and shepherd the direction of the various choirs (adult, children's, handbells).
    4. Prepare and train cantors for the various Masses.
    5. Meet with the Liturgy Committee quarterly to plan the liturgical seasons. 6. Plan funeral liturgies with families. All guest cantors/organists/and musicians must be approved by the DM; as well as, appropriateness of music selection. A suggested honorarium for the cantor and organist is requested; however, the salary package takes this service into consideration. Business Manager must be notified of any conflict so other arrangements can be made by DM for a substitute.
    7. Office work: DM will be treated as a professional with flexible office hours as needed to do required paperwork and to return phone calls and arrange for fulfillment of various duties of the position. A schedule of hours must be set and agreed to with the Pastor so that other office personnel will know when the DM will be available.
    8. See to the maintenance of all musical instruments which belong to the parish within approved budget.
    9. Full compliance to all of the Safe Environment rules of the Diocese of Shreveport and the Virtus requirements in Protecting God's Children must be followed at all times. Also, the updates on the Virtus website must be current.
    10. Play for weddings and rehearsals as agreed. All compensation will be afforded by the parties to the wedding and will be paid to the DM at a set rate. DM has first right of refusal for all weddings and all guest cantors, musicians, and music selections must be approved by DM.
    11. Participate in all Diocesan Liturgies as requested as a representative of our parish. 12. Schedule and host events during the year such as concerts, sacred music recitals, Lessons and Carols, etc. that will be advertised to other parishes in the Deanery.
    13. Work with Pastor in adapting a music budget for sheet music/cantors/other musicians and or guest musicians for the parish.
    14. Develop worship aids as necessary, and oversee copyright licenses and reporting. 15. Schedule altar servers, lectors, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for all weekly and Holy Day of Obligation Masses.
    16. Oversee the maintenance of the sound system.
    17. Participate in Parish events as needed.
    Minimum Qualifications:

    Bachelor of Music or an equivalent degree from an accredited college or university is preferred.

    Must have experience playing and directing in a liturgical church.
    Necessary Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
    1. Be a skilled keyboard player with the ability to play the organ and piano or able to manage and coordinate contracted organists or pianists. 2. Must be a skilled choral director, including the ability to recruit new members. 3. Must have the ability to work well with a large number of people. 4. Must be a self-starter and highly motivated and creative to get the job done. 5. Must be flexible in meeting the needs of the job and following directions from the pastor. 6. Must have good communications skills.
    Interested candidates, please send a letter of interest, CV, and three references to Fr. Matthew Long,
    Deadline for submission of applications is December 22nd, 2021.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,235
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