Benediction Prayer in Gregorian Notation - Can someone proofread for me?
  • Hello Everyone:

    My Priest could use a card with the notation for the benediction prayer. I've transcribed it out from what I can best recall into Gregorio using the source and summit editor. Would anyone wish to proof for me? Thanks.

    Untitled Document.pdf
  • supertitle:;
    (c3)Lord(h) Je(h)sus(h) Christ(h),(,_) you(h) gave(h) us(h) the(h) eu(h)cha(h)rist(h) as(h) the(h) me(h)mor(h)ial(h) of(h) your(h) suf(h)fer(h)ing(g) and(f) death(h.). (:) May(h) our(h) wor(h)ship(h) of(h) this(h) sac(h)ra(h)ment(h) of(h) your(h) bo(i)dy(i) and(i) blood(h.,_) help(h) us(h) to(h) ex(h)per(h)i(h)ence(h) the(h) sal(h)va(h)tion(h) you(h) won(h) for(h) us(f.) (,_) and(h) the(h) peace(h) of(g) the(f) king(h)dom(h,_) where(h) you(h) live(h) with(h) the(h) Father(h) and(h) the(h) Ho(h)ly(h) Spir(h)it(f.,_), God(h_), for(h) e(h)ver(h) and(h) e(h)ver.(f.::)
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 8,937
    The Graduale Romanum 1961 gives several models for collects: "tonus festivus", a "tonus ferialis", a "tonus solemnis", and a "tonus simplex".

    The text says that the "tonus simplex" is used for benedictions, so I'd use that as a first option -- though I don't have a reason to exclude the others. It's on page 995 of the PDF file.
    Thanked by 1MaestroMark32