Taylor & Boody, Op 74, in Madison, WI
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,204
    Taylor and Boody, Opus 74 (1918), St. Paul Catholic Student Center in Madison, Wisconsin:

    Pictures & specifications.

    Organ demonstration and tour, with a really nice Vierne at the end (more like 2/3 of the way through), plus some Bach.:
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    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • A very nice organ indeed. I have long considered Taylor & Boody to be one the very finest of our American builders and have enjoyed playing many afternoons on Taylor & Boody's very fine instrument at St Meinrad's Archabbey.
  • They are indeed a most excellent builder. Every instrument of theirs that I've ever encountered has been absolutely top-notch (along with Fisk).
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • I only fault the lack of tierce (except in the sesquuialtera). Tierce is absolutely essential for French baroque music. Every organ should have at least two for playing two voiced duos pour les tierces. And, they should be full compass because the lower voice will descend below tenor C.
  • I've yet to meet a duo pour les tierces that couldn't be played on one manual. More worrisome to this Couperinomaniac is whether the dulzian or the oboe will stand in for cromorne, and what it will duet with. But lovers of that repertoire are not un-used to compromises.
    Thanked by 1CharlesW
  • More worrisome to this Couperinomaniac is whether the dulzian or the oboe will stand in for cromorne, and what it will duet with.

    I thought the same thing. It's a slightly odd spec to me; german baroque case, german nomenclature, but clearly imitating french aesthetics, albeit with what I presume is a nice thick german accent.