Propers at a OF Wedding Mass...?
  • Hi,

    I am playing for a wedding next month and had a few questions regarding the use of the Introit, Offertoriale, and Communio chants during a OF Nuptial Mass. I've heard that if you sing the Introit, there's no "entrance hymn"'s one or the other, never both. So if a instrumental processional is played, can the Introit be sung immediately afterwards? Second, does the same go with the Offertoriale and Communio (chant or hymn)?

    Also, I would also appreciate any documents which state that out of the four options for the propers in the OF, you should choose according to the order they appear. This would be very helpful in getting some chant in our parishes.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    "Also, I would also appreciate any documents which state that out of the four options for the propers in the OF, you should choose according to the order they appear."

    I have never seen an official statement to that effect.

    I think the better argument is to ask: "On a regular basis, which is better to choose? An arbitrary piece of music chosen by the musician? Or the special, assigned, ancient piece of music that the Church assigned to that feast, which ties into that feast?"

    I believe common sense will tell the answer.
  • FX
    Posts: 6
    You have all the details in Graduale romanum, 1974. A full set of propers, introit, graduale, offertry, communio.
    there is also no reason why you could not have an entrance hymn" plus an introït. This can really be done. No problem at all with this, to my mind.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,486
    The OF provides more flexibility, You can sing one of the propers, two or all. I would always sing the Introit before anything else, but that i an opinion rather than canon. However, if you do sing any of the propers, it's correct to sing them the right way with the psalm verses and Gloria Patris.