Director of Sacred Music (FT) Boston Area
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC (Full Time, Boston Area)

    [First posted June 14. Position expanded August 8.]

    St. Adelaide’s Parish seeks a Director of Sacred Music to lead an established parish music program located in Peabody, Massachusetts, 15 miles north of Boston. Primary responsibilities involve providing organ accompaniment and vocal leadership for three weekly Ordinary Form Masses (Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. and Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.) and one weekly Extraordinary Form Mass (Sundays at 12:00 noon), as well as Funerals (approx. 45 per year), Weddings (approx. 5 per year), Holy Days, Holy Week, First Communion, Confirmation, and other significant feasts and occasions as mutually agreeable.

    The musical tradition at St. Adelaide’s has flourished over the past decade. At the Extraordinary Form Masses, several experienced chanteurs are committed to singing a full Gregorian High Mass on a weekly basis, year-round. Polyphonic Masses and motets have been sung in past years, and potential exists to revive this practice. At the Ordinary Form Masses, a singing congregation is accustomed to singing the Roman Missal chants, Chabanel psalms, Weber propers, and solid hymnody drawn exclusively from the St. Michael Hymnal, 4th edition. A noteworthy youth choir existed in past years, and potential exists for the development of a new chorister program. Successful past initiatives have included an annual Lessons and Carols service and the singing of the Faure Requiem at our annual All Souls Day EF Mass. The instrument, a three-manual Rodgers Allegiant, is located in an air-conditioned gallery with seating for up to 40 singers.

    This is a full-time position, compensation negotiable, and eligible for comprehensive archdiocesan benefits. The scope of this position is flexible, and may be tailored to the interests and gifts of the individual entrusted with the role. The position may also be divided into two or more part-time positions. Though accustomed to the organist leading congregational singing from the console, the parish is open to the possibility of retaining professional cantors to assist in this capacity. Applicants should submit resume and letter of interest to Liz Harnois, Office Administrator, at The start date is flexible, and applications will be considered until the position is filled.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,198
    (Update: the position has been filled.)
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