LOTH Resources
  • ElJefe
    Posts: 4
    I am organizing a small group at our parish to "chant" morning and evening prayer (in English). I'm familiar with resources like the Mundelein Psalter, but would rather put something together using tones from a different source. Plus, I would like to be able to create small booklets each time so that folks new to the LOTH are not intimidated by ribbons and page flipping. Forgive my ignorance, but my question is this: is there a source where I can find the Divine Office in digital form, which will permit me to reproduce the text in my own format for parish use?
  • Our Monastery has notated the entire psalmody in the original monastic tones in English... its on a word document so it should be easy enough for you to format it how you like... but you would have to put in the intercessions, readings etc... if you are interested you can send a PM with your email... I prob. wont be able to get it to you until next week though.

    Sr. Marie
  • MarkB
    Posts: 1,092
    If you don't care about having a translation approved for liturgical use in the United States, look at Universalis:

    I think the translations for that site are approved for use in the UK.

    If you want the official texts approved for use in the United States, you have to subscribe to ebreviary:

    Ebreviary does make some booklets available for free. Sundays and feasts, for example. Take a look at those to see whether the format is something that would be worth subscribing to for your needs.
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    liturgies dot net
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    You might reach out to Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB, in San Francisco. He has the resources for a lot of this, and is also a good person from whom to learn the aesthetic of the sung office.
  • ElJefe
    Posts: 4
    Thanks very much to all of you.