Cantus Mariales New Typeset
  • Does anyone have a PDF of pgs 134- 144 of the cantus mariales in a clear format (ie not copied pages) .... this would be the section in the appendix of litanies. Thank you so much.

    Sr. Marie
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    I presume this is not good enough,

    In my files I have a re-typeset version, but do not know where it comes from... and whether I can share it on this forum. If needed I can put it on dropbox and send you a link by private message.

    EDIT. The version I have is linked below.
  • the link is the same version I have... it will do if I have to use it... but I am just trying to save printer ink ... so white background would be better. Thank you for anything you are willing to share.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • Chrism
    Posts: 875
    Andrew Hinkley retypeset the Cantus Mariales last July/August and posted it here and at gregobase. You're probably looking for the PDF file, but to be comprehensive, here are all the source files.

    I remember the timeline because it was clearly a quarantine project, and after seeing his meticulous work I asked myself, "what have I done with my time?"
  • JonathanKKJonathanKK
    Posts: 542
    Did you get what you need? Otherwise, send me a PM with your name and e-mail and I can send you my latest good file of my Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis Appendicesque Diverses work-in-progress for your personal use & non-distribution. It has the six standard tones of the Litany of Loreto, and all of the other five litanies approved for public recitation as well.