Dedication of a Church and an Altar
  • PLTT
    Posts: 151
    We are preparing for the Dedication of the Church. I found some older helpful threads on the topic in the forum but:

    (1) The links in older threads are to the old Rite of Dedication; does anyone have the book of the "new" Order of the Dedication of a Church and Altar? I understand it is mostly the same but I was told that the rubrics have been "clarified" in a couple of places. I'd like to get the newest rubrics at a couple of points, especially around the Entrance rites, and resolve some doubts.

    (2) Are there any suitable hymn, motets or other recommendations (but English only) for the various parts?

    I made a tentative list with the rite recommendations in parentheses:

    On the way to the church (Ps 122)
    Entry into the church (Ps 24)
    Sprinkling (Vidi aquam)
    Depositing of relics (Ps 15)
    Anointing of altar and walls (Ps 84)
    Incense (Ps 138)
    Lighting of candles and lamps (Canticle of Tobit)
    Offertory (1 Chron 29)
    Communion (Ps 128)
    Blessed Sacrament (Ps 147)

    I'm especially interested if anyone has written music specifically for the Dedication liturgy; or with those texts. I found J. Michael Thompson's "Lamp Lighting Antiphon" through GIA, and am looking for other such pieces.

    Some pieces which have already been suggested:

    Laudate Laudate Dominum (Walker)
    Go up to the altar of God (Chepponis)
    I saw water (DeBruyn)
    Lamp lighting antiphon (JM Thompson)
    Christ be our Light (Farrell)
    Fragrance of Christ (Haas)
    My prayers rise like incense (Twynham)
    O Gladsome Light/Phos Hilaron
    Lauda Jerusalem with Ps 147 (Latona)
    Holy God, we praise thy name; God we praise you
    Now from the heav'ns descending
    Only Begotten, Word of God eternal
    Church of God, elect and glorious
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    First thing's first: check out the propers. ICEL has chants for them in the book itself, and the USCCB has made them available as free PDF files here:

    Other hymn suggestions:
    All People that on Earth Do Dwell
    Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
    The Church's One Foundation
    Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates (paraphrase of Psalm 24, so might be good for the entry into the church)

    Also re: "Fragrance of Christ" - check with your bishop's office if he has banned David Haas' music from your diocese because of his recently-revealed serial sexual predation.
    Thanked by 1PLTT
  • PLTT
    Posts: 151
    Thank you! I forgot to mention that I had looked at the chants on the USCCB but with the exception of a couple, many were vetoed by Higher Powers.
  • trentonjconn
    Posts: 639
    I take it you're working in a more "progressive" environment, liturgically speaking?
  • CatholicZ09
    Posts: 296
    There’s a piece called “Church of God”. It was written by Sr. Pamela Stotter and composed by Margaret Daly. I’ve found it in the Catholic Book of Worship III. It’s more of a contemporary piece but has a very singable refrain. Our cathedral does it every year for the anniversary of its dedication. I’m really not sure how accessible it is.

    Fr. Lucien Deiss wrote a nice lengthy piece called “Priestly People” that has a singable refrain. Verses would probably be more suited for a cantor or choir. That one would be easier to find from GIA.

    Thanked by 1PLTT
  • Here's a piece that I wrote for a church dedication a few years ago, using a text by Alan Hommerding:

    The appointed Responsorial Psalm for a church dedication is Psalm 19, with the refrain "Your words, Lord, are spirit and life." Here's a setting that I was commissioned to write for the dedication of Christ Cathedral (the former "Crystal Cathedral"), diocese of Orange, California in 2019:
    Thanked by 1PLTT
  • PLTT
    Posts: 151
    Thanks for all these suggestions! re: "Priestly People", actually it is still alive and well in regular use in these parts! :D

    @trentonjconn - I wouldn't say that. It's probably a grab-bag of different music styles. But they certainly aren't used to the chant/polyphonic heritage, and FWIW I do agree with the Higher Powers that small doses might be better for the moment.
  • Blessed City, Heavenly Salem (also set to Westminster Abbey) is another good one. It’s often sung at Anglican Ordinariate Dedication of Church anniversaries.
    Thanked by 1PLTT
  • Here's one to consider.
    O Splendid Theotokos.pdf
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen PLTT
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,212
    Blessed City, Heavenly Salem (also set to Westminster Abbey) is another good one.

    'Blessed City, Heavenly Salem' also works very well with St. Thomas (Wade), here in a setting with my (double) descants.
    Giffen-Blessed City, Heavenly Salem.pdf
    Giffen-Blessed City, Heavenly Salem-256kbps.mp3
    Thanked by 2Anna_Bendiksen PLTT
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    Humorous aside re "Blessed City, Heavenly Salem", from 2007:
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Harris "Behold, the tabernacle of God" is a great piece.

    Now I've got the Bairstow "Blessed City" in my head!!!!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • mmeladirectress
    Posts: 1,105
    Must you have English only? We used Saint-Saens’ “Tollite Hostias”, very appropriate for the occasion*

    It seems that St James Press used Saint-Saens’ music & added an English translation but I haven’t seen/heard it
    (*) Bring forth your offerings, and adore the Lord, your God, and worship Him in his Holy place. Rejoice in heaven, exult all ye peoples, for the Lord now comes in glory. Alleluia.
  • FKulash
    Posts: 84
    Another really good hymn is "Built on a rock the church shall stand", with the majestic tune KIRKEN DEN ER ET GAMMELT HUS, Evangelical Lutheran Worship #652.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen