Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity — what did you play/hear?
  • CatholicZ09
    Posts: 296
    Here’s what was done at the Mass in which I was the cantor—typical American NO parish

    Processional: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!
    Gloria: Mass of Renewal (Stephan)
    Psalm: R&A
    Gospel Acclamation: Festival Alleluia (J. Chepponis)
    Offertory: All Hail, Adored Trinity
    Holy, Mystery, Amen, Lamb of God: Mass of Renewal (Stephan)
    Communion: Table of Plenty & One Bread, One Body
    Recessional: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (vs. 1 and then the final Trinitarian verse)

    I could’ve done without “Table of Plenty,” but overall, it was nice. Stephan’s Mass of Renewal is actually one of my more-liked contemporary Mass settings. It’s very nice if the accompanist keeps an upbeat tempo.

    I watch some virtual Masses on YouTube, and I have to say I find it irksome when a Trinitarian hymn is programmed, like “O God, Almighty Father,” and all verses aren’t done. Most places I’ve seen did the two verses (1 about God the Father and 2 about God the Son), but then stopped. What about God the Spirit? Seems goofy to stop just because it’ll take 45 more seconds out of everyone’s day to sing one more verse.
  • Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church, Montgomery, TX
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter

    Propers and Sequence drawn from Divine Worship: The Gradual (working draft)

    Mass Ordinary: Missa Tribus Vocibus (Dalitz)

    Prelude: Meditation on ST PATRICK
    Processional: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (GROSSER GOTT)
    At the Offertory: Laus Trinitati (St. Hildegard of Bingen)
    At Communion: I Bind Unto Myself Today (ST PATRICK/DEIRDRE)
    Recessional: To Thee, O Gracious Father (THAXTED)
    Postlude: Sortie on NICAEA
  • CarsonHaupt
    Posts: 46
    No one was signed up to sing or play at the anticipated Mass last night, so I decided to step in while I was home. My parish uses OCP's Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ, which isn't great, but it worked out fine.

    Procession: All Hail, Adored Trinity
    Psalm: Refrain and verses to Gregorian Mode II
    Offertory: Blessed Simple English Propers Benedictus sit (well received!)
    Communion: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence. I also prepared the communio All Power from The American Gradual, but we flew through communion and Father waited until after Mass to purify, so I didn't end up singing it.
    Recessional: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name

    We sang Alstott's Heritage Mass. In general, it went pretty well for a lightly attended evening Mass that mostly drew the older side of our parish. I was pleased to be able to do a bit of chant and that it was well received. I think people appreciated having music at all!
    Thanked by 2a_f_hawkins CHGiffen
  • My church this morning did:

    Entrance: O God Almighty Father
    Ordinary: Mass of St Francis Cabrini
    Psalm and Gospel Acclamation from the Pew Missal
    Offertory: I Bind Unto Myself Today
    Communion: Antiphon from Fr Weber's Book and Come Thou Almighty King
    Recessional: Holy God We Praise Thy Name
  • High mass at Walsingham may be viewed at

    Athanasian creed in procession
    Palmer-Burgess propers
    Willan ordinary
    Anglican chant
    English anthem
    Renaissance motet
    Good homily

    I am really embarrassed to note that the entire lectionary is not sung - as it normally is at Walsingham on all Solemnities.

    What should one expect - Nicea is sooooo predictable and sooo shop worn. As predictable as that 'our hearts are on fire' Marian song, which, too, is more than shop worn.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    St Bede's, Clapham park, 11am Mass EF

    INT: Benedicta sit (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    KYR: Missa O quam Gloriosum, Palestrina
    GLO: Missa O quam Gloriosum, Palestrina
    GRAD: Benedictus es, (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    ALL: Benedictus es, (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    CREDO: Missa O quam Gloriosum, Palestrina
    OFF: Benedictus sit, (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    OFF. Motet: Adesto sancta Trinitas, (Vespers Hymn Dominican melody)
    SAN: Missa O quam Gloriosum, Palestrina
    BEN: Missa O quam Gloriosum, Palestrina
    AGN: Missa O quam Gloriosum, Palestrina
    COM: Benedicimus Deum, Isaac setting
    COM. Motet: O sacrum convivium, Pergolesi
    Prayer for the Queen.
    Marian Anthem: Salve Regina, Solemn Tone

    Sadly we did not get time to sing the sequence,
  • btodorovich87
    Posts: 101
    Prelude: Jesu Joy
    Introit: Lumen Christi Simple Gradual
    Kyrie XVI
    Gloria: Mass of St Philip Neri
    Psalm: Lumen Christi Missal
    Alleluia: Jubilation Mass, Chepponis
    Offertory: Lalemant Peppers
    Hymn: NICAEA
    Euch Accs: Mass of St Philip Neri
    Communion: LCSG
    Postlude: Moreau Rondeau

  • My choir director is out of town, visiting family, so I had the challenge of putting together what I could. Then God smiled on us. My son is home from college, his little brother agreed to sing (though he usually serves) and, to my delight, my middle son and his wife came up for the day. Add a candidate who has learned the Propers with my help because I’m his Latin instructor and...we sang all of then prescribed Propers, Missa cum jubilo and O Lux Beata Trinitas (for three voices, composer unknown to me). To top it off, we sang Credo IV, which is my favorite,
  • I despise auto-correct!

    I wasn't at my own laptop when I posted earlier. Now I am, and I've fixed the previous computer's helpful efforts.
  • Agreed, Chris! Auto correct is really a nuisance for those of us who don't use Noah Webster's hatchet job on the spelling of our beautiful English tongue.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • CharlesSA
    Posts: 165
    The normal 11am OF Mass for the parish at which I sang was a sung Latin Mass (EF) today. We didn't have time to learn any Latin Trinitarian pieces (i.e. pieces particularly for Trinity Sunday), so we just went with some things the choir already knew.

    I sang the full Gregorian propers myself as the choir there can't do even the simpler ones without a good amount of practice. Other than that:

    Mass VIII (that is what they usually do at the 11am OF)
    Credo III
    (Usual Mode 7 Asperges)
    Opening "Come Thou Almighty King"
    "Jesu Rex Admirabilis" (Palestrina?) after Offertory chant
    "O Sacrum Convivium" (Raimondi) after Communion chant with verses
    Closing "God we Praise You"

    It was quite nice.

    I am not a real organist, but I can play hymns with pedals. It was a different organ, one they have on loan for a short period as their previous one is fried. It is an Allen and I just chose a few basic stops and went with them without knowing exactly what it would be like as I know nothing about organs and have never regularly played an Allen.
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    My parish (brass and choir):
    Preludes: an elevation from L’heures mystique, prelude on NICEAE
    O God Almighty Father GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN
    Frances Cabrini Mass
    Psalm arr myself
    Celtic alleluia (with tasteful GIA verse)
    Holy NICEAE
    Eternal Father MELITA
    God of our fathers NATIONAL HYMN
    America the beautiful (so I don’t get tarred and feathered)
    Postlude: Sortie from L’heures mystique

    Local military chapel, Nobis Ordo, all singing a cappella, (family choir):
    Prelude: Jesu joy
    Gregorian Propers
    Missa Ecce quam bonum - HL Hassler
    Psalm arr moi
    Mode VI Alleluia
    Credo III
    Ave verum corpus - W Byrd
    Postlude: Te Deum remembered - H Hughes
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • I trust you mean "Novus" Ordo, not nobis ordo?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,212
    Ordo pro nobis?
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    I heard my very favorite modern hymn, In Perfect Charity, based on a (genuine) prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • very favorite modern hymn

    (serious question): How much competition does it have?
    (equally serious question) What qualifies as "modern"?
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Prelude: Introit: "Blessed be God the Father", setting i. Weber Propers.
    Introit Hymn: "May God the Father blessed be" K. Pluth (DUKE STREET).
    Kyrie & Gloria: Mass VIII.
    Gradual: Arbogast propers.
    Alleluia: Mode II alleluia with jubilus, PBC-II.
    Offertory: "Blest be God the Father", LCSG
    Motet: "Laudate Dominum omnes gentes" Diego Ortiz.
    Sanctus & Agnus Dei: Mass VIII.
    Communion Ant.: "Since you are children of God" Weber Propers.
    Hymn: U drzwi Twoich.
    Hymn: O Maryjo Matko Boga.
    Interlude: improvisation in polyphonic style.
    Meditation Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy (NICAEA) with descant by James Vivian (OUP)
    Recessional: Parish Antiphon: Maryjo Krolowo Polski
    Postlude: one of the C Major Toccatas by Pachelbel.
    Thanked by 1Kathy
  • Salieri,

    You're at a Polish parish, I guess? I didn't know such enclaves survived my childhood.
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    “Nobis ordo”

    Telling slip of the tongue?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232
    Stick to the topic, everybody, please.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    What qualifies as "modern"?

    As well or better suited for a contemporary combo as an organ and choir, a through-composed feel rather than tightly metrical (although I believe this one is quite regular), and composed in the last 60 years.
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,103
    Hey cool, for once I have something to brag about. One of our congregants had paid for the Mass intention as part of a quasi-memorial for some relatives who couldn't have a proper funeral because of the COVID lockdown. And he wanted "those guys who came on Low Sunday" and was willing to pay for them.

    St. Sebastian, Akron OH, 1PM TLM
    with Bryan Munch, tenor; Jeffrey Quick, barreltone; Daniel Fridley, bass; Daniel Barber, organ

    Processional/Recessional: Holy God, We Praise They Name (GROSSER GOTT)
    Ordinary: Messa Concertata sopra l'aria musicale del Gran Duca (Adriano Banchieri)
    Introit: Benedicta sit (G.B. Matucci); Gregorian repeat)
    Other Propers: Gregorian
    Offertory motets: Alle psallite cum luya (Montpellier codex, 14th c.); Jam sol recedit igneus (Hymn, 2nd Vespers)
    Communion motets: Tres sunt qui testimonium (Richard Dering); O sacrum convivium (Francesco Feroci)
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    I was out of town as I was attending my state's Knights of Columbus annual state convention. For the sake of the innocent I won't name names, but the Sunday Mass was at the basilica in the central part of the state and celebrated by the local ordinary. The hymnody was decent enough, and it was nice to hear a professional vocal octet, even if every singer was individually microphoned. But apparently 1980's-style liturgy still rules the roost in this place - I think the Collect and Post-Communion prayers were actually out of the 1975 Sacramentary! It certainly didn't sound like the current Roman Missal. Anyway...

    Prelude: some contemporary setting of the Irish Blessing in memory of the previous rector who apparently died one year ago that day (I only know this much because the rector got up before Mass and announced as such)
    Entrance: Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
    Kyrie: chant
    Gloria: Mass of Creation
    Psalm 33: ???
    Alleluia: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
    Credo: recited
    Intercessions: Byzantine chant
    Offertory: Eternal Father, Strong to Save
    Sanctus, Mysterium, Amen, Agnus: Mass of Wisdom
    Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat + choir - The King of Love My Shepherd Is (arr. ???)
    Recessional: Praise to the Holiest in the Height
  • I played it relatively safe with my program as we are approaching summer, and attendance by my singers is a little less certain.

    Entrance: Sing We Praises to the Father (OMNI DIE)
    Kyrie: Jernberg's Mass of St. Philip Neri
    Gloria: Jernberg's Mass of St. Philip Neri
    Psalm: Catholic Book of Worship III
    Alleluia: Jernberg's Mass of St. Philip Neri
    Credo: recited
    Offertory: Holy Holy Holy (NICAEA)
    Sanctus: Jernberg's Mass of St. Philip Neri
    Mysterium: Chant
    Amen: CHant
    AGnus: Jernberg's Mass of St. Philip Neri
    Communion: I Bind Unto Myself Today (ST. PATRICK / DEIRDRE)
    Recessional: Glory Be to God the Father (REGENT SQUARE)
  • I selected the following songs for the university parish contemporary choir I direct:

    Opening: O God Almighty Father
    Psalm: "Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own"
    Alleluia: Celtic Alleluia with verse "Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit;
    to God who is, who was, and who is to come"
    Offertory: Praise the Father, Praise the Son
    Communion: No Longer Slaves
    After Communion: Father I Adore You
    Closing: Holy, Holy, Holy
  • CatholicZ09
    Posts: 296

    I really like that rendition of the psalm. It’s nice if you’re looking for something that sounds more contemporary and isn’t from OCP’s Spirit and Psalm collection. I’ll have to listen to more from that.