Aggiorgriano Project
  • Mora
    Posts: 15
    I wanted to share with you a new project I'm undertaking, which I've affectionately named the "Aggiorgriano Project", an amalgamation of the Italian terms "aggiornamento" and "gregoriano" - a "getting with the times" of Gregorian chant, so to say. Each week, I will record the Propers for the following Sunday (according to the OF calendar and EF when there are congruences) according to the St. Gall neumatic tradition and the reconstructed melodies in the Graduale Novum. While I understand that the Graduale Triplex may be more accessible, I have chosen the Graduale Novum because it reflects the latest scholarship and because I still have distinct aural impressions from my sojourn in Rome. If anything, I hope not to evade the embroiled arguments between the Solesmes method and a semiological approach to Gregorian chant, but instead to offer an invitation: come and see. Or rather, hear.

    It will be housed at my YouTube channel!
    (If the link doesn't work, just google my name...)
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,004
    Mora, kudos for this huge undertaking! It's good that there will be more recordings out according to the Graduale Novum.

    Two tips for future videos: could you name the Sunday and the piece in description (e.g. "Fifth Sunday of Easter, Introit Iubilate Deo")? That makes it easier to locate the chant. And secondly, is it possible to display the chant itself, so one can read along the score while listening? I have a copy of the Graduale Novum, but not everyone does.
  • Mora
    Posts: 15
    I'll certainly be able to give more information in the future videos!
    As to the second point, brushing aside my limited technological knowledge, I don't know if displaying the chant would be copyright infringement. I'll try to get some answers.