Searching for this hymntune ...
  • David
    Posts: 13
    Hello everyone, I was planning for Pentecost, and suddenly a hymn popped into my head. The text is the "Come O Creator Spirit, come ..." But I have no idea where the music is from. I searched through hymnals and on YouTube, I can't seem to figure out what hymntune it is. I'm sure I've heard it before, but I don't remember where.

    I've attached a quick recording of the first verse. Can anyone name that tune?
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 726
    I don't see the recording. Try again.
  • David
    Posts: 13
    Hmmm... the recording didn't attach, Maybe the file size was too large? Here's a PDF.

    And here's the text from

    1 Come, O Creator Spirit, come,
    and make within our heart thy home;
    to us thy grace celestial give,
    who of thy breathing move and live.
    Come O Creator Spirit.pdf
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,212
    I don't see the quick recording - did you forget to attach it?

    In the meantime, I did a quick check and found this video:

    Could this be the tune you are referring to? Well-known to me, it's actually cribbed from the triple meter section of the Ave Maria ... Virgo serena of Josquin des Prez. See my edition of the Josquin attached here (m.94-109 in pp.5-6), as well as listen to the recording made when I was singing with Zephyrus. The triple meter section begins at the 2m51s mark on the text Ave vera virginitas, Immaculata castitas, Cujus purificatio, Nostra fugit purgatio.

    David's link is broken, too:
    Here it is.

    Also, I just *bumped* my setting of "O Holy Spirit, now descend on me" (in a separate thread). Give it a try.

    Josquin-Ave Maria a 4.pdf
    Josquin-Ave Maria a 4 (Zephyrus).mp3
  • David
    Posts: 13
    It's not the Josquin one; that's what came up when I searched it as well. It's very pretty, and I look forward to trying it sometime! But, not the one I was looking for.

    Let me try again; hopefully it will work this time? Here's a PDF of the tune, and here's the first verse of text for reference. Anyone recognize the tune?

    1 Come, O Creator Spirit, come,
    and make within our heart thy home;
    to us thy grace celestial give,
    who of thy breathing move and live.