Palm Sunday EF Passion - Short Form
  • Dear members of the forum,
    Has anybody rubrical knowledge or experience with the option in the 1962 Roman Missal. It contains a short Gospel reading (Mt. 27, 45-52) with the following rubric:
    Qui hodie alteram, vel tertiam Missam
    lectam celebrat, non tenetur iterare lectionem
    Passionis Domini, sed eius loco legit
    sequens Evangelium, more consueto.
    Does it mean that the priest has to celebrate at least one Mass earlier that day, or is it sufficient if he plans to celebrate one (OF) afterwards, or perhaps can simply opt for the shorter Gospel? Asking because the monthly EF celebrant is of very advanced age, and, therefore, would not be able to stand and read (let alone sing) the full Passion. Thank you in advance for any advice.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,451
    The 1965 missal has that same rubric and translates (paraphrases) it as
    11. This gospel may be read instead of the passion in the second and third Masses of priests who binate or trinate.
  • [Opinion]:

    It doesn't say that it is enough for there to be a second Mass that day. It says, in Hawkins' presentation, priests who binate. The same priest has the two Masses. The Latin appears to back up that understanding, but I'm perhaps in need of correction on this point.

    Nothing in the '65 Missal or the '62 Missal allows, encourages or tolerates a celebration later in that day of the Ordinary Form as that term is now used.
    Thanked by 1CCooze
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,231
    Not only that, but the priest, to do so licitly, would need to have already celebrated the first Mass, ideally with the full blessing of palms, the Passion, etc. It's obviously a grey area if a) the other Mass is in the Novus Ordo with whatever licit combination of ceremonies is possible and b) the priest happens to have the TLM first, which often gets the short end of the stick for a myriad of reasons during Holy Week, because the rubrics would never have been able to take this situation into account. I don't have a great solution, because there's no separate Gospel in the 1962 rite; in fact, the relevant text from the traditional Palm Sunday liturgy was deleted. In that case, a priest could read the Latin and, I would say, illicitly but necessarily sitting down due to his advanced age, then he would proceed to sing the Gospel as usual.
    Thanked by 1Andris Amolins