Resp. Psalms in other languages
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592

    Can anyone send me a sample score(s) of Responsorial Psalms in OTHER LANGUAGES?

    (perhaps in French, German, or any other language)
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    Here you have three of them in Portuguese (a language you did not mention---but I hope this may be of interest). All of them are by Father Manuel Luís, who composed a full set of responsorial psalms for Sundays and Holy Days of obligation (plus many ferial days, though not all of them) in the '70s. In my former choir we always sang his psalms, which are well known all over Portugal. Other priests have since composed other settings, but those by Father Manuel Luís remain the most popular ones. They are actually published by the Portuguese Conference of Bishops (with a nice hard cover).

    Would you care for Finale files with the refrains (antiphons) of 44 other psalms? (When I prepared congregational aids I would only need to include the refrain, and that is why these files have the refrains only; and when refrains have 2 or 3 voices I kept only the first.) If so, let me know and I'll send you a zip file.

    PS - Sorry for the (not very good selection of) chords indicated above the scores---these were there for the benefit of the musicians of my former choir, who needed those aids. The Bishops' Conference also publishes a much better book with organ arrangements to help organists who cannot harmonise them at sight.
    Taste and see how the Lord is good.pdf
    The Lord is my light and my salvation.pdf
    It is good to praise you, Lord.pdf
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Thank you, dvalerio!

    A friend of mine has written a bunch of Portuguese Mass parts, and as soon as I'm able, I want to post them on the St. Antoine Daniel site.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,007
    Here are three settings of responsorial psalm 34 in Dutch, with the respons and the first verse. The first setting is used in most parishes in the Netherlands, because it is in the most popular hymnal, 'Gezangen voor Liturgie'. The text though is not the approved translation used in the Lectionary. The second one is from the hymnal 'Laus Deo', only used in the diocese of Roermond. The last one is from a private publication of Jan Böhmer, 'Graduale Nederlands'.

    Responsorial psalms in Dutch as they appear in the Belgian hymnal 'Zingt Jubilate' can be found at . Here are the responsorial psalms for the liturgical year B.

    Responsorial psalms in German from the hymnal 'Gotteslob' can be found on the website of the diocese of Osnabrück: . Click on the button 'download' on the right side of the page, then sroll down to 'Liedvorschläge'. The documents found here give the responsorial psalms as well as the Alleluia.

    Propers and responsorial psalms in Italian can be found at .

  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    These are beautiful !!!