Scholarly inquiry: Composers’ Forum for Catholic Worship
  • I'm forwarding this from a music librarian's list I'm on. I'd never heard of this publisher, though I'd heard of most of the composers mentioned. If anyone (especially the more, er, experienced members) has any information or insight I could pass on, it would be appreciated.
    Hi all,

    I recently received a reference inquiry from a student looking to find information about a small and seemingly quite obscure publisher that was based in Sugar Creek, Missouri from 1970-77, called the "Composers’ Forum for Catholic Worship Inc.” (or CFCW).

    The student is interested in finding a list of publications/books published by CFCW. We have found some helpful clues, but are struggling to find any extensive information on publications. I was only able to find records for four publications in Worldcat. Apparently some, if not all of their music was released on a subscription basis. Robert Igoe Blanchard was the executive director, we found a record of his obituary in The American Organist and publicly online, but could not find much information on him beyond that. The most extensive information we found came from a comment on this blogpost:

    Theodore Marier’s original recto-tono Glory to God was one of the compositions distributed by the “Composers’ Forum for Catholic Worship” in 1974. I have a copy, and the acknowledgement at the bottom of the page says: “Theodore Marier places this work in the public domain.”

    Does anyone here remember the Composers’ Forum for Catholic Worship? I’m fortunate to have most of their music in my collection. The music was published between 1971 and 1976 on a subscription basis. Robert Blanchard was executive director, and members of the board of directors included Ted Marier, Theophane Hytrek, and Columba Kelly, among others.

    Much of the music was quite substantial, and included works by Jean Langlais, Flor Peeters, Richard Proulx, Eugene Englert, Howard Hughes, and Theophane Hytrek, among others. A few pieces in the series have been republished by GIA, but most of it has unfortunately been forgotten.

    It was an exciting time for church music composition and experimentation. One of the most interesting works was a 1971 setting by Robert Blanchard of Eucharistic Prayer III for accompaniment and three equal voices (presider + concelebrants)!

    We also found the address of the publisher, as well as a note that the copyrights transferred to GIA after 1977:

    Composters' Forum for Catholic Worship
    P.O. Box 8554
    Sugar Creek, MO 65054
    (CFCW was dissolved in 1977; copyrights transferred to GIA)

    If anyone happens to have any further information about this publisher (ideally information on its publications), please let me know, thanks. Wishing everyone a safe and peaceful holiday season!
  • No further information from me, but I must ask: have you reached out to anyone at GIA? They may have more information.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,509
    Auto-correct strikes!
    Composters' Forum for Catholic Worship
    Pile any hymn books from the last 60 years here please.
  • have you reached out to anyone at GIA?

    I'll pass that suggestion on. Not my project, and at some point a student has to do their own work. What they're really trying to do is compile a list of works published, and WorldCat is not of much use as most libraries don't collect newer liturgical music. So possibly the best thing you could do is to pass on the bibliographic info of any scores you might have around.

    Intriguing tidbit I discovered: there are 3 letters from 1972-73 between CFCW and Benjamin Britten. Apparently they were looking to commission him (as they would Jean Langlais). Also, they published the early works of Rory Cooney. :-(

    At Black Water Farm, we are as fond of composting as composing. But I have to point out that it would take a lot of nitrogen to break down the carbon in those hymnals. And since microbes have no ears, the manure in the content doesn't help.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    I think I have ALL the music published by CFCW. GIA re-published a few items, but not many. I will look for the music in my garage. If I find it, and if I have the time, I'll post a listing of the contents.

    BTW, I was commissioned by the CFCW to compose a setting of Eucharistic Prayer II (previous English translation) for priest, assembly, SATB, flute, organ. It was sung at the January 1976 study week of the Southwest Liturgical Conference in Amarillo, TX. Msgr. James A. Comiskey was the celebrant. He then used the piece often at Christ the King Cathedral in Lubbock, TX, over the following 20 years. CFCW went out of business before the work was published [and before I received the commission fee!].)
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,490
    Msg. Comisky was the rector of the seminary I worked for.
    are those REAL letters from Britten? they would be worth quite a bit i would think!