Can the ferial antiphons for ordinary on the Ordo Cantus Officii time be used on Advent?
  • Seeing that (except for the Major Ferias) the anthiphons for the ferias of Advent are the same as for the ferias of Ordinary time, does it follow that the antiphons on the OCO assigned to the ferias psalter in four weeks can be used throughout the year, that is, also on the ferias Advent and Lent?
  • I don't see why not.
  • joerg
    Posts: 137
    The ferial antiphons for the psalms in Advent are almost identical to those of ordinary time. In the Office of Readings there are some minor differences and there are proper Advent antiphons for the minor hours. The main difference is in the antiphons for the gospel canticles which are proper for any day of Advent. The full set of antiphons for Advent is here

    The codes over there are read as follows:
    1A -- 4A means week 1 -- 4, 5A means the time after Dec 16
    1 -- 7 means Sunday -- Saturday
    1V, Ol, L, T, S, N, 2V are first Vespers, Officium lectionis, Lauds, Terce, Sext, None and second Vespers
    The last item gives the position of the antiphon in the office: 1 -- 3 resp. B(enedictus) and M(agnificat)