I'm learning this piece to play as a postlude this year. The score on imslp is a bit too cluttered for me. I've separated left-right hands and added a dedicated pedal line. I can sight read this now, no problem. If anyone else find it useful, please feel free to use it.. Merry Christmas.
Thank you for this arrangement. The score on imslp is the same as that in the Peters Edition which I still have from the 1980s. On two staves it's extremely difficult to work out for one attempting a return to organ music after several decades' absence. This is wonderful. May God bless you abundantly!
I always have to remember that I must not start too fast! If you can find it, Philip Ledger made a recording at King's College that was the gold standard for me!
There was a time when this manner of singing the chorales was commonplace. Sing line one, improvise an interlude; sing line two, improvise interlude; and so on.
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