• Ted
    Posts: 204
    Although I mainly use on older version of Hauptwerk (v4) that works with some limitations that do not really bother me much, I sometimes use GrandOrgue when I need an instrument that is not available free for Hauptwerk, such as a harpsichord or spinet, or even a Steinway concert grand or glass organ.

    This evening I installed a new free virtual organ called Jorgan on my MIDI organ computer, and am fairly impressed with it. What I noticed is that most of the free organ samples available for Hauptwerk over the Internet are available for Jorgan. What is interesting with Jorgan is that you can readily construct or change dispositions for your own organ. It is a Java programme so it can run on any device that runs Java, including Linux, Mac, Windows, and, theoretically, Android.

    For those wishing to tinker, the programme can be downloaded here:


    The Java runtime, if you do not have it, can be downloaded and installed from Oracle here:


    A few samples may be downloaded from:

  • jOrgan is great and very easy to customize, but a lot of the features are kind of hidden.