Updated: Providence, RI: Director of Music / Organist (PT)
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,235
    (Revised position description)

    Director of Music and Organist

    The Church of Saint Sebastian, Providence, RI. is in immediate need of a Director of Music and organist.
    This is a part-time position. Currently there are 2 Masses a weekend, Saturday evening at 5pm, and Sunday Morning at 10am. At this time there are neither Children nor Adult Choirs. A professional cantor is employed for all Liturgical Services.

    Located on the East Side of Providence, Saint Sebastian is a parish dedicated the mission of Worship, Education, and Service as three essential ways of promoting the New Evangelization, and of more fully establishing Christ as the source, center, and end of our lives and of our Parish Community.

    The ideal candidate will be a Catholic in good standing, as well as a person of deep faith, who desires to assist in bringing others to know, love, and serve Christ. The Director of Music and Organist assists the Pastor as one of the central leaders of the Parish.

    The musical requirements are:

    • Formal training in music and as an organist. To be considered an organist the following is required: a complete understanding of organ technique for both manuals and pedals; know how to register the organ; proficiency in hymn playing and Gregorian Chant; accompanying a cantor; improvisation skills; and, understanding how music and the organ can both lead and animate the congregation.

    • A viable candidate will have a through knowledge of the great breadth of the repertoire of the Roman Catholic Church.


    • A gracious and welcoming group of Parishioners.
    • 3 manual Rodgers Hybrid organ, as well as a baby grand piano, and high-end electric piano (the organ is the preferred instrument, and the piano is only used when it is absolutely necessary).
    • The repertoire is drawn from: the Saint Michael Hymnal (4th Edition), the music of Fr. Columba Kelly, O.S.B., One in Faith, Parish Book of Chant, and Simple English Propers. When allowed, weekly Worship Programs are provided for the participation of the congregation.
    • A pastor who is supportive and highly trained in music and liturgy.

    The Parish:

    • Acknowledging the rich Liturgical and Musical Patrimony of the Church, Masses are celebrated in the Ordinary Form while incorporating the use of Latin and the devotions particular to the Extraordinary Form
    • Saint Sebastian’s is a closely knit community embracing a wide demographic of new families, University students; young families and many young children; reverts; and well–established parishioners.

    This interested should send a letter on inquiry, resume, and salary expectations to: pastor@stsebastianri.org.
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