OCO 2015: Need to know Antiphons for Feast of the Assumption OL and Vigils
  • Hello everyone,

    Would anyone be so kind (since i don't have the OCO 2015) to tell me what are the Antiphons for the Office of Readings and the Vigils (Antiphon for the Canticles) for the Feast of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

    OCO 1983 has very scant details, only the first Antiphon is specified as Surge propera amica AM 820 and the other 2 antiphons are from the Commons

    For the Office of Readings Vigils, OCO 1983 specifies O quam speciosa est Maria.

    Much appreciated if anyone who can help.

    God Bless you,
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,012
    Here's what's listed in the 2015 Ordo cantus officii:

    Inv. Venite adoremus Regem regum (LH 415)

    Off. lect.
    H Aurora velut fulgida (LH 416)
    A1 Hortus conclusus es, Dei Genetrix, hortus conclusus, fons signatus, propera, amica mea (CAO 3137; RM 255) [text in RM ends differently: "…fons signatus, surge, propera, amica mea, et veni."]
    A2 Elegit eam Deus et præelegit eam, in tabernaculo suo habitare facit eam (Rom) [I cannot locate this antiphon anywhere]
    A3 Gloriosa dicta sunt de te, Virgo Maria (GS 327) [GS has "prædicentur" instead of "dicta sunt"; see CAO 2953 for a solution]

    Rom = melodia ex traditione cantus «veteris romani» sumpta.
  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    The first antiphon is here:
    The third references the Graduale Simplex pg 327, which is not exactly the same text.

    For the others: Good luck !

    Sorry I don't have the Liber Hymnarius to help you more, otherwise I'd prepare the gabc files for you.

    I regret that reconstituting the office for the OCO is generally a work for academic researchers.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,509
    Elegit eam deus - slightly different word order, there's a melody here :-
  • Thank you very much my friends. Any idea on the antiphon for the 'vigils'? By that I mean that sole antiphon for the three canticles.

    I really should invest in the OCO 2015 but postage to where I live is nearly as expensive as the book itself and it doesn't help that even in possessing it, finding the antiphons in God's creation is another treasure hunt in itself.

    God bless you my friends,
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,509
    Cantus index # 601182a and 201545
    Manuscript - Arch.Cap.S.Pietro.B.79

    1056 x 338 - 35K
    952 x 344 - 47K
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,012
    Any idea on the antiphon for the 'vigils'? By that I mean that sole antiphon for the three canticles.

    Yes: O quam speciosa est Maria (PRM 180), like the 1983 OCO. A restituted melody can be found in Nocturnale Solesmense 112 (2017).