Magnificat for 3 voices
  • sdtalley3sdtalley3
    Posts: 263
    Here is a link to my Youtube channel in which I have the Magnificat I did for 3 voices sung by Matthew Curtis.

    It was actually an after thought as I was working on a 4 part Magnificat, and the verse Sicut locutus est ad Patres etc I liked it so much I made the whole thing out of it.
    Thanked by 1Don9of11
  • This is lovely. Are you offering a score for sale somewhere? I'd like to try singing this with some of my brother seminarians.
    Thanked by 1sdtalley3
  • sdtalley3sdtalley3
    Posts: 263
    Well Mr. CarsonHaupt,

    Correct me if you go by a different title. This one is a little old and the methods I used were primitive, but I can re set it to a cleaner format and send it to you, or post on this forum. I generally shy away from monetary gain as these things which are "taken" freely from the Church should likewise be given in turn for her edification.
  • sdtalley3sdtalley3
    Posts: 263
    For anyone else who is interested, here is the score I have revised.
    Thanked by 2m_r_taylor CHGiffen
  • m_r_taylor
    Posts: 321
    This is very nice! I will be sure to use it soon.
    Thanked by 1sdtalley3
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,791
    Steven, like other of your scores this uses slurs that seem indifferent to word underlay, which will discourage some performers.
  • m_r_taylor
    Posts: 321
    I rehearsed this today as an option for extra time but we didn't get to it.

    After using the score, you may want to review text for typos.

    Looking at just the tenor part:

    v. 2. "spi-ri tus" missing second dash
    v. 3. "omnes generations"
    v. 4. "sanctum" squashed together
    v. 8. "in an-es" missing first dash
    v. 12. "saeculorum" underscore after "lo" digging into "rum"
    Thanked by 1sdtalley3
  • Do you have a transposed version for SAB?
    Thanked by 1sdtalley3
  • sdtalley3sdtalley3
    Posts: 263
    Corrections noted and fixed Sir, I was not sure what the deal with verse 3, until I saw the inflection cues were not present and the spacing. I also made changes to the layout for better reading and enlarged the font. Look it over again and let me know if there was something I missed.

    Not at the moment, but I can make you one if you wish.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,791
    The partbook format is very tree friendly, but if I were down to three sheets with only one blank side each I just might balk: without a conductor a bar rest instead of an upbeat bar doesn't make it clear that the first beat is a rest; and the approach to underlay isn't consistent: T1 m5 has slurs that correspond to vv 10 & 12 and m8 has a tie, unlike m3. Standard ways of notating variants are with a second cue-sized voice or with dotted ties.
    You're btw. taking it for granted the singers know the tone viii mediation.
  • sdtalley3sdtalley3
    Posts: 263
    @Rchard Mix

    So what you are saying Sir, is make in a somewhat longer form to include all voices together and the same with the chant, right?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,177
    I generally shy away from monetary gain as these things which are "taken" freely from the Church should likewise be given in turn for her edification.
    I have a quite similar, which is (at least in part) why I have been so active with CPDL where I publish my sacred music for free download. I strongly encourage and invite you seriously to consider contributing/publishing your works at CPDL.
    Thanked by 1sdtalley3
  • sdtalley3sdtalley3
    Posts: 263
    I think I made an account not too long ago, so I’ll definitely check this out Sir.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,791
    It doesn't necessarily have to be in score, but if using a more dangerous format be very very clear and minimize excuses for mistakes. And if you don't already know everyone who might wish to sing your piece, yes, I'd include ancillae suae.
    Thanked by 1sdtalley3
  • sdtalley3sdtalley3
    Posts: 263
    Thanks Richard Mix,

    I’ll keep that in mind. My version on Finale (Song Writer) is a little dated, and does not allow for the use of a dotted slur, and I can add the inflection for the chant later as well.
  • yes that would be great!
    Thanked by 1sdtalley3