LOTH, Breviary, Solesmes Antiphonale Romanum, etc.
  • I need some expert guidance, please, on how the various chant volumes Solesmes has recently published and to which version of the LOTH or Roman Breviary they apply.

    I own and use the LOTH as published by Catholic Book Publishing (and I've just learned about the new edition in preparation) as well as the Baronius Breviarium Romanum (yes, I read both Offices in my retirement days). But I am confused at first looks inside the Solesmes Antiphonale Romanum I & II and tripartite Antiphonale Monasticum (the most recent, not the 1934, which I know apply solely to the OSB monastic Office practice) as well as the Liber Hymnarius because it isn’t obvious to a layperson how the Antiphonale Romanum or LH lines up with the Office of either publication.

    Might someone in these forums be able to clarify? Or offer guidance?

    Many thanks...
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,231
    The LOTH included many antiphons for which Gregorian melodies did not exist, so the 2015 Ordo Cantus Officii (the book specifying the assignment of music to the various parts of the Office) says that in those places it was necessary to seek similar texts that could be substituted for them.

    For an example of what is in the OCO, these chants are specified for today's Vespers of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, observed on the Sunday in the U.S.:

    Second Vespers:
    Hymn: Auctor beate saeculi (Liber Hymnarius 117)
    1st Antiphon: Suavi iugo tuo, dominare, Domine, in medio inimicorum tuorum. (Ps 109,2; Antiphonale Romanum II 429)
    2nd Antiphon: Misercors et miserator Dominus: escam dedit timentibus se. (Ps 110, 4-5; AR II 429)
    3rd Antiphon: Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccata mundi (Jn 1,29; AR II 430)
    Responsory: Christus dilexit nos.... (AR II 431)
    Magnificat: Suscepit nos Dominus in sinum et cor suum, recordatus misericordiae suae, alleluia. cf. Lk 1,54; AR II 432)

    Besides the AR II, the OCO cites the 1981 Psalterium Monasticum, the 1934 Antiphonale Monasticum, and numerous other sources, most prominently R.J. Hesbert's Corpus antiphonalium officii (Herder, 1968-1970).

    Some more knowledgeable forum participants can probably comment about how the preparation of the French unofficial edition Les Heures Grégoriennes contributed to the 2015 OCO.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • My understanding is that the two new Antiphonale Romanum volumes are to enable the chanting of LOTH Lauds and Vespers in Latin on Sundays and feast days / solemnities. The three Antiphonale Monasticum volumes (strangely bound in vinyl) are meant to set forth a monastic office according to Thesaurus Liturgiae Horarum Monasticae, although to use these volumes to actually chant a monastic office would involve a comical scene of book-juggling (a community would need to use these volumes as a resource to create their own usable office book). I thought the Liber Hymnarius was supposed to give the chants for hymns in the Latin LOTH, but I'll need to check.
  • Jérôme
    Posts: 29
    BTW, I don't understand why the 2015 OCO never refers to the Antiphonale Monasticum I, II and III from Solesmes.
    For many Benedictus and Magnificat antiphons, it refers to the COO but you can't do anything with the COO unless you're a musicologist, can you? But the job has already been done by Solesmes in the new AM!
  • Does anybody know of an English translation of the preface of the Liber Hymnarius?
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,490
    There is a link here to an article which includes a translation.
    Thanked by 1SuscipeMeDomine
  • OraLabora
    Posts: 218
    Since I have the 2015 OCO, Les Heures Grégoriennes, the new Antiphonaire Monasticum (all available volumes), Liber Hymnarius, and both new volumes of the AR (I and II), plus the pre-conciliar Antiphonales Monasticum and Solesmenses, allow me to comment:

    Les Heures Grégoriennes

    My research shows that the ferial office of Ordinary Time follows the new OCO faithfully with one exception: for psalm 109(110), a different antiphon for each Sunday is used; Dixit Dominus is only used on Sunday III.

    The main simplifications in LHG are: only one antiphon for the Gospel Canticle at I and II Vespers and Lauds of all Sundays; and for feasts and solemnities and weekdays other than OT, often repetition of the same Offices at Lauds and Vespers.

    Without any proof, I suspect LHG (2008) came out during the thick of preparing the new OCO, and so is a bit "incomplete" in that regard except for the ferial office.

    Antiphonale Romanum I and II

    Brings everything that isn't in line with OCO in LHG, into line with OCO for Sundays, feasts and Solemnities. So different Antiphons at Lauds and Vespers; for the Gospel Canticles on Sundays, a different gospel canticle antiphon for I Vespers/Lauds and II Vespers. All feasts/solemnities are brought into line with OCO. As such I use a combination of LHG and OCO at least for Sundays, feasts and solemnities and just LHG for ordinary ferias and memorials; and sometimes when lazy, at other times; one advantage of rarely used but repeated antiphons, is that by II Vespers you start to get the hang of them! And I'm inclined to use Dixit Dominus for Ps. 109 every Sunday; after all I'm an oblate and that's what happens in monasteries. Also in AR I and II, *all* hymn strophes are noted (a blessing!), whereas in LHG often only the first strophe is noted, even on some fairly challenging hymns (feast of St. Lawrence at Lauds comes to mind).

    Antiphonale Monasticum I, II, III and V (IV not released yet)

    Yeah, a true pain in the derrière to use, and indeed our abbey used the books as references to publish its own choir books. There are a lot of common antiphons in both AM and AR. But differences too. Also, if you ask nicely, Solesmes will sell image files of AM I, II, and III making it easier to design your own books; one major flaw is the minor hours, as there are different schemas to dump the former psalms of Prime into the minor hours. They just throw out the psalms and corresponding antiphons, it's up to the community to arrange them according to the schema they use. Makes it almost impossible to use Volume II as a choir book for the minor hours. The old Psalterium Monasticum was more helpful in that regard, at least for the ferial office.

    Liber Hymnarius

    Indeed, all the hymns for the Liturgy of the Hours, plus monastic and Solesmes propers.

    OCO 2015 sort of made life harder for guys like me who often prepare our own chant booklets to fill-in gaps where no books exist, for instance I made my own Nocturnale Romanum but based on the previous OCO. Most everything could be found in the Monastic sources, with a few exceptions from the Graduale Simplex, a couple of sources I found on line (1912 Antiphonale Romanum) and a couple of places where I borrowed from Sandhofe's Nocturnale Romanum, so rather non-official. But the sources in the 2015 edition are not always easy to find. So I'm sticking to my own Nocturnale for when I feel up to chanting the Office of Readings, which these days isn't all that often. I more often just read that Office after Compline before bed. Otherwise I combine it with Lauds into an office of Matins (at 6 am), as allowed by the rubrics of the LOTH; chanted, that's 40 minutes on weekdays, 45 on Sundays, Feasts and Solemnities thanks to the Te Deum.

    Happy chanting!

  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    If you’re interested in chanting the psalms in English, www.gaudete.org has the texts of LOTH set to melodies based on the older OCO. When the texts are incongruous, the modes are followed but the incipit is marked with an asterisk for posterity.

    When the new translation of LOTH is available, the project will be revisited following the more recent OCO.