Propers for St Dominic from Mission Santa Clara
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,824
    I stumbled on some 'mensural' chants in the California Mission archives of Santa Clara and for entertainment have put them into GABC (nothing to do with Green Acres Baptist Church). I learned about "!" this time:

    name: Missa S. P. N. Dominici;
    user-notes:4 August ;
    commentary: Mission Santa Clara;
    annotation: Intr. 6to. ;
    office-part: Introitus;
    mode: 6;
    book: Missa S. P. N. Dominici;
    transcriber: Richard Mix;
    %width: 5;
    %height: 11;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: 12;
    (c4) IN(d) mé(f.)di(F)o(f) *() Ec(f)clé(g!f.)si(F)ae(f) (:) a(c!d)pé(f!g.)ru(F)it(f) os(h!g) e(f!g)jus:(F) (:) &(f) im(f)plé(f!g!h!i)vit(h) e(hj)um(h.) (:) Dó(ghg.)mi(F)ne(f.) (:) Spí(f!h.)ri(G)tu(f) sa(g!f)pi(d)én(f!g.)ti(F)ae,(f.) (:) et(f) in(g!h)tel(f)lé(d)ctus,(c) (:) sto(f!g!h)lam(h) gló(f!d.)ri(C)ae(c!c) (:) ín(f.)du(F)it(f) e(f!g)um.(f) Psalmus(::) Ju(f!g!f!g)cun(h.)di(h)tá(h)tem(h) &(h) ex(h)ul(g)tá(i)ti(h)o(g)nem:(f) (:) the(h)sáu(h)ri(h)za(hjh)vit(g) su(f)per(f) é(f!g)um.(f) (::) Gloria &c.(z)

    Al(d!f!hg ixi!h!g!f)(;)le(e!f!g!h)lú(ixi)ja,(h) (:) al(f!d!f)le(h!i!j!k!k)lú(h!g!f!e!f!g!h)ja.(d) (::)
    Pi(f)e(e) Pa(f!g!h)ter(h) Do(ixi!g)mi(h.)ni(G)ce(f) (:) tu(d)o(f)rum(h) mé(g)mor(h) ó(g!h!i!j!k)pe(j#j)rum:(k) (:) stá(h) có(g!f!g!h)ram(h) Súm(ixi)mo(g) Jú(h.)di(G)ce,(f) (:) pro(e) tú(g)o(f) cé(e!f!g)tu(g) páu(f!e.)pe(D)rum.(d) (::) Al(e)le(f!g)lú(f!e)ja.(d) (::)(c3) Communio.(z) Fi(e)de(f!h)lis(h) ser(h)vus(g) &(f) pru(g!h!i)dens(i) (:) quem(i) con(i)sti(j.)tu(I)it(h) Do(h!i.)mi(H)nus(h) (:) su(h)per(h) fa(f)mi(g!f!g.)li(F)am(f) su(e)am.(e) (:)
    ut(h) det(h) il(h!i!h)lis,(f) in(f!e) tem(f!g.)po(F)re(f) tri(e!g!f!g.)ti(F)ci,(f) (:) men(g!f)su(e)ram.(e) (::)

    [Edited June 19]
  • There are a couple of errors in the transcription, I think. The dotted breve (square punctum) in California Mission manuscripts--at least in the ones at the Santa Clara Mission choir books--are always followed by a triangulado (punctum inclinatum).

    I noticed you also didn't set the canto figurado hymn. Why not?

    The end of the Communion is incorrect. Mode 5 for them was not centered on Fa but rather on Do most of the time, and was in fact usually C major. This antiphon ends on G in the manuscript, but on B in your transcription.

    How did you come across this? I haven't known of any other researchers in the music of the California Missions.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • Felicia
    Posts: 119
    This book is an in-depth study of California mission music:

    Russell, Craig H. From Serra to Sancho: Music and Pageantry in the California missions. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

    Mr. Russell is a classical guitarist who has extensively studied the early music of the New World. He teaches at California Polytechnic.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,824
    Good catch; for c3 clef I try thinking movable Do in E major, but have slipped at "illis". Gregorio allows rudimentary polyphony, but the 'sequence' is better suited to a program that allows multiple verses to be underlaid.
    Did I miss another punctum inclinatum somewhere?

    Btw Steve, we did meet before once virtually, and it's a pleasure for me to continue.